Clean Truck Check FAQ
Clean Truck Check Regulation
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Reporting Video Instructions - Clean Truck Check Fact Sheets
Applicable Vehicles and General Compliance
What vehicles are affected by Clean Truck Check?
Clean Truck Check requires almost all non-gasoline trucks; buses; public vehicles (federal, state, and local government), motorcoaches, transit, shuttle a school buses, hybrid vehicles, commercial vehicles, personal vehicles, California registered motorhomes, single vehicle fleets, and vehicles registered outside of California (not including motorhomes); with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) over 14,000 lbs. that operate in California, on public roads and highways, these vehicle owners must report, pay annual compliance fees, and undergo emissions compliance testing to comply with Clean Truck Check.
What vehicles are exempt from Clean Truck Check?
The Clean Truck Check Program does not apply to:
- Zero-emission vehicles
- Military tactical vehicles (title 13, CCR, section 1905)
- Emergency vehicles (California Vehicle Code section 165 or California Health and Safety Code section 1797.84)
- Historical vehicles (authorized by California Vehicle Code section 5004)
- New vehicles with engines certified to the most stringent optional, NOx standard (less than or equal to 0.01 g/bhp-hr) -This applies only during the first four years of
- Motorhomes registered outside of California
- Vehicles operating under an experimental permit (authorized by California Health and Safety Code section 4301)
What qualifies for the most stringent optional NOx standard?
The most stringent optional NOx engine standard is 0.010 g/bhp-hr. It is an optional low NOx emission standard established as a component of CARB's Omnibus regulation in the California Code of Regulations, title 13, section 1956.8As of June 1, 2024, no manufacturer had certified an engine that meets this standard. New vehicles with engines certified to the most stringent optional NOx standard are exempt from the Clean Truck Check regulation only until 1/1/2027.
Do I have to report for Clean Truck Check if my vehicles aren’t registered in CA?
Yes, almost all non-gasoline heavy-duty vehicles with a GVWR over 14,000 lbs. that operate in CA must be compliant with Clean Truck Check. Out of state vehicles have the same compliance requirements as California registered vehicles. To maintain a level playing field between trucks registered in California and trucks registered in other states, staff conducts roadside inspections at border crossings, outside ports and railyards and throughout the state. Remote Emissions Monitoring Devices (REMD) and Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) are also deployed throughout the state to verify compliance. Further, CARB coordinates enforcement efforts with California Highway Patrol and other public agencies to enhance enforcement efforts. California Highway Patrol (CHP) has the authority to conduct Clean Truck Check inspections. In addition, non-compliant vehicles may be denied entry into ports and railyards.
How will Clean Truck Check be enforced during roadside inspections for vehicles coming into CA?
Once a vehicle is stopped by CARB or CHP, the vehicle's Clean Truck Check compliance status will be evaluated, which includes reporting in CTC-VIS, payment of annual compliance fees and, soon, passing emissions compliance tests submission when applicable.
Do I have to report for Clean Truck Check if I have SE plates or DMV exempt plates?
Yes, if you have SE plates or DMV exempt plates, you still must meet the Clean Truck Check reporting, annual compliance fee and emissions testing requirements. SE plated vehicles will follow a compliance deadline schedule annually according to the DMV registration expiration date. For example a vehicle with the expiration date of 12/31/25 will have an annual compliance deadline of 12/31, DMV exempt vehicles (e.g., government vehicles) will follow a compliance deadline schedule according to the last digit of the VIN, please see Annual Compliance Requirements for more details.
Who is responsible for complying with Clean Truck Check for a leased vehicle?
The lessor (leasing entity) is responsible for reporting, paying the annual compliance fee, and ensuring the vehicle is tested according to the periodic testing schedule unless the lease period is longer than 1 year and the responsibility for vehicle compliance is designated as the lessee in the lessor/lessee contract.
Are vehicles reported as low-use in TRUCRS subject to Clean Truck Check?
TRUCRS is a reporting system for other regulations, not including Clean Truck Check, you must report in CTC-VIS to comply with Clean Truck Check.
Clean Truck Check does not have a low use exemption. Low use vehicles will be subject to Clean Truck Check.
What if I operate in CA for short periods of time?
Clean Truck Check offers a five consecutive day pass for each vehicle, once per calendar year. The 5-day pass must be submitted 7 business days before entering California. Email the information listed below to to request a 5 day pass.
- Request date
- Registered owner’s name
- Street address, city, state, zip code of owner
- Telephone number of owner
- Email address of owner (if available)
- Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
- License plate number and state of registration
- Date(s) the vehicle will begin travel in California
- Origin and destination travel information
CARB will send an approval/denial email within 5 business days, the email serves as your proof of compliance during the 5-day pass period.
Reporting and Emissions Testing
I have a registration hold with DMV the vehicle is reported in CTC-VIS and shows as compliant in my account, what now?
DMV requires that you follow up with them to complete your registration (getting registration tags, proof of registration, etc.). Please allow three business days of processing time after your compliance certificate is generated before following up with DMV.
This follow up can be accomplished in different ways. You can visit “DMV Anytime” to find a local DMV/industry partner office near you at DMV also has established a “Virtual Office” where you can perform many but not all of the same transactions online you can in a DMV field office:
CARB electronically transmits a compliant VIN list to DMV on a nightly basis. Please make sure that the VIN shows as compliant in CTC-VIS (Clean Truck Check reporting system) before checking with DMV. If DMV states that the vehicle still shows as noncompliant with CARB requirements, even after you have demonstrated compliance to CARB, please email
What do I need to do to be compliant with emissions Testing?
Emissions compliance testing is effective on October 1, 2024, with the first emissions compliance testing deadline on January 1, 2025. You must report affected vehicles into the Clean Truck Check online database (CTC-VIS) and pay the annual fee by the applicable deadline to be in compliance with those requirements. Report to CTC-VIS at information on compliance can be found at Overview Fact Sheet-Clean Truck Check.
When does emissions testing begin?
Emissions compliance testing is effective on October 1, 2024, with the first compliance testing deadline on January 1, 2025. You can find when your emissions compliance testing deadline is under “Implementation Guidance” Fact Sheets, Guides, & Videos.
How often do I have to do emissions testing and when?
Most affected vehicles will fall into the semi-annual testing schedule. California registered vehicles, including SE plated vehicles, will have their compliance deadlines on their DMV registration expiration date and the additional deadline within six months of the registration expiration date. For example, an SE plated vehicle with a registration expiration of 12/31/2025 will have an annual compliance deadline of 12/31. Non-CA registered and DMV exempt plated vehicles will have their compliance deadlines based on the last digit of their VIN. You can find when your emissions compliance testing deadlines are here Clean Truck Check Requirements for Vehicles Subject to Semi-Annual Compliance. Refer to Table I for CA registered, SE plated vehicles and Table II for non-CA registered and DMV exempt vehicles (e.g. government vehicles). OBD-equipped vehicles will have emissions compliance testing requirements increase to four times per year beginning October 1, 2027.
Agricultural vehicles and California registered motorhomes have annual emissions testing requirements. You can find when your emissions compliance testing deadlines are here Agricultural Vehicles & California Motorhomes Annual Compliance Requirements.
For large fleets with multiple different registration expiration dates, is it possible to ask DMV for a more uniform registration expiration deadline?
It may be possible to have the DMV change your registration expiration dates to make compliance deadlines more streamlined. This action is not cannot be done through CARB and will require working directly with DMV.
Where do I get emissions compliance testing done?
Emissions compliance testing must be done by a CARB-credentialed tester using a certified CARB testing device. You can search for a CARB-credentialed tester near you at Available for Hire Credentialed Testers.
Can I test my own vehicle?
Yes you may if you are a Clean Truck Check credentialed tester. CARB’s free credentialed tester training and exam can be found at Tester Training Course and Exam. Emissions compliance tests must be performed using a certified CARB testing device, which can be found at Testing Devices & Credentialed Testers.
How do I upload my emissions test results?
OBD tests are only automatically uploaded for the Telematics devices of credentialed testers who submit OBD data through the other OBD devices to CARB. Smoke opacity tests and Vehicle Emissions Inspection Forms will need to be submitted by the CARB-credentialed tester to Please use the Instructions & Vehicle Emissions Control Equipment Inspection Form. The only tests accepted are those submitted by a CARB-credentialed tester using a CARB testing device.
Will I get reminders when I have a compliance deadline coming up?
CTC-VIS will send out a monthly summary email notification for the fleet/vehicles’ upcoming deadlines in the next 90 days. Specific vehicle deadlines are available in the CTC reporting system (CTC-VIS).
Annual Compliance Fee
What is the annual compliance fee and how do I pay for it?
The annual compliance fee is initially $30 per vehicle for operation in California. The annual compliance fee will be adjusted to reflect the annual average California Consumer Price Index (CCPI). Vehicles subject to the Clean Truck Check regulation must be reported in CTC-VIS. Your compliance certificate will be available for you after your payment has been processed, assuming any other regulation requirements have been met, which is 1-2 business days for Credit and Debit card payments, and up to 7 business days for eChecks. Once a registration hold is placed on a vehicle,please allow 3 – 5 business days from the date the certificate is downloaded for that to be updated with DMV. Please remember weekends and holidays do not count as business days. The compliance certificate will be visible in the “Vehicles” section of your Clean Truck Check account. Click “Download” and you will be able to print your compliance certificate.
Why is there an annual compliance fee?
The annual per vehicle compliance fee is used to cover some of the State’s cost of implementing the Clean Truck Check program.
Do I need to submit a PSIP test for 2024?
PSIP will sunset in 2024 when Clean Truck Check emissions compliance testing becomes effective. Therefore PSIP tests are not required in 2024.
Where can I get my compliance certificate?
Your compliance certificate for compliant fleets or individual vehicles will be available to download in your CTC-VIS account at Go to the My Info homepage and click “Download” in the “Vehicles” section.
How long after I pay my annual compliance fee will I get my certificate?
Your compliance certificate will be available for you after your payment has been processed (1-2 business days for Credit and Debit card payments, and up to 7 business days for eChecks). Please remember weekends and holidays do not count as business days. The compliance certificate will be visible in the “Vehicles” section of your Clean Truck Check account. Click “Download” and you will be able to print the certificate. Once a registration hold is placed on a vehicle,please allow 3 – 5 business days from the date the certificate is downloaded for that to be updated with DMV.
If I edit vehicle information, will the changes show on my certificate?
Changes made to vehicle information will not be reflected on your compliance certificate until a new certificate is issued. As long as the VIN is correct and the certificate is not expired, the certificate is valid for that vehicle.
How do I get the Affirmation of Fleetwide Compliance certificate?
All vehicles in your fleet that are subject to Clean Truck Check must be reported and compliant to obtain this certificate. Go to your My Info homepage and scroll down to the “Affirmation of Fleetwide Compliance” section. Click “Attest My Fleet” and you will be able to print your certificate after you have completed the attestation. Make sure that you have no forms in progress and all payments are fully processed. A video tutorial on downloading the Affirmation of Fleetwide Compliance certificate is available at Certificate/ Fleetwide Attestation Module.
Why don’t I have the Affirmation of Fleetwide Compliance option?
Only "company" entity types can print this certificate and change their entity name. "Individual" entity types cannot obtain an Affirmation of Fleetwide Compliance, add additional users to the CTC-VIS account, and change their entity name. We recommend registering as a "company" entity because that provides more flexibility to your CTC-VIS account as opposed to an individual entity. It is important to note that you cannot change entity type. If you registered as an "individual" entity, you cannot change to a "company" entity, and vice versa.
Why do my vehicles’ compliance certificates have different expiration dates?
Vehicles’ compliance deadlines are based on the DMV registration renewal date (for CA registered vehicles, including SE vehicles) or the last digit of the VIN (for non-CA registered and CA DMV exempt vehicles). You can view the following webpage to see your vehicles’ compliance deadlines. Refer to Table I and/or Table II at Clean Truck Check Requirements for Vehicles Subject to Semi-Annual Compliance.
Compliance Fee- Payment
What forms of payment are accepted?
Clean Truck Check accepts debit,& credit cards, as well as eCheck payments. Please allow for processing time of payments. In addition, please use Microsoft Edge for your payments as other web browsers may cause failures. Your compliance certificate will be available for you after your payment has been processed, which is 1-2 business days for Credit and Debit card payments, and up to 7 business days for eChecks assuming any other requirements for other regulations have been met. Please remember weekends and holidays do not count as business days. The compliance certificate will be visible in the “Vehicles” section of your Clean Truck Check account. Click “Download” and you will be able to print the certificate.
How much is the compliance fee and how often do I have to pay?
Initially the annual compliance fee per vehicle is $30 however it will adjust in accordance with California Consumer Price Index (CCPI). The annual compliance fee will be due on the first compliance deadline of the calendar year.
I’m having trouble making a payment. Is it my web browser?
Please use Microsoft Edge for making payments. A video tutorial on making payments for CTC-VIS is available at Fee Payment Module.
I reported my vehicle, and no fee is showing.
Compliance fees for vehicles that operated in CA in 2023 were due by 01/31/2024. If you did not operate your vehicle in CA in 2023, no fee will be due until upon 2024 compliance fee is due. If you did operate your vehicle in CA in 2023, please mark “Yes” under “Operated in 2023?” and the fee will show in your CTC-VIS account.
Can I get a refund on my annual compliance fee is I made a mistake?
It is the responsibility of the vehicle owner to ensure they only report and pay the compliance fee for the vehicles they own that operate in California. There are no refunds for payments made in error.
Can I cancel my eCheck so I can pay with a debit or credit card?
No, a payment cannot be cancelled once it has started processing.
Fed fleet language for those saying they need their fee waived.
Federal vehicles do not have to pay an annual compliance fee at this time. However, CARB plans to amend the Heavy-Duty Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Regulation in the near future and amendments may impact compliance fee requirements.
Entity Management
Can I change my entity type?
No, you cannot change the entity type in your CTC-VIS account. If you registered as an individual entity, you cannot change to a company entity, and vice versa.
Do I have to create a separate account if I’m already registered in TRUCRS?
Yes, Clean Truck Check has its own reporting system (CTC-VIS). You can report for Clean Truck Check at You can also download vehicle information from TRUCRS and upload it to CTC-VIS. A video tutorial to help you report is available at Account Registration Module.
How can I change my entity name?
Only company entities can change their entity name. Go to your My Info homepage, click “Actions” on top, and click “Edit Details.”
How can I change fleet locations?
From your My Info homepage, scroll down to the “Fleet Locations” section. Click “Actions” next to an existing location to edit. Click “Actions” at the top of the section to add another location. The video tutorial module on managing fleet locations is available at Fleet Location Management Module.
What should I put in the “Description” box on the form?
The description box is there for your convenience so you can write what you are changing in your account. For example, adding vehicles, deactivating a vehicle, changing locations, etc.
Can I report multiple entities within the same CTC-VIS account?
You must report each entity under a different email address. However, you can be Co-Entity Admin for multiple entities. Co-Entity Admin has the same abilities to edit the account and make payments as the Entity Admin.
Vehicle Reporting & Management
How do I delete a vehicle from my account?
From your My Info homepage, go to the “Vehicles” section. Click “Actions” next to the vehicle and then “Deactivate Vehicle.” A video tutorial module on managing your vehicles is available at Vehicle Management Module.
How do I add a vehicle?
From your My Info homepage, go to the “Vehicles” section. Click “Actions” on top and “Add Vehicle.” A video tutorial module on adding vehicles is available at Individual Vehicle Upload Module.
How do I bulk upload my vehicles?
A video tutorial on bulk vehicle upload is available at Bulk Vehicle Upload Module.
Can I add a vehicle even if I don’t have the license plate yet?
Yes, write “Pending as of xx/xx/xxxx” when you input license plate information. Update the plate as soon as possible when you receive it.
User Management
How do I change my email address in CTC-VIS?
Click “Main Menu” and “My Details.” Click “Actions” and “Edit General (Okta).”
How can I add other users to the account?
Go to your My Info homepage and scroll down to “Manage Users.” Click “Actions” and “Add User.” Co-entity admin will have the same abilities as the "entity admin". "Location" admin will only be able to make changes and payments for vehicles at that location. A video tutorial on adding users to your account is available at User Management Module.
Monthly Summary
What is the monthly summary I received in my email?
The email you are referring to is your monthly account statement for CTC-VIS.
Each month it will provide:
- Status of your vehicle’s compliance status
- Any vehicles that owe compliance fees in the upcoming 90 days, or are past due, or have expired fees from the prior compliance year
- Any vehicles that owe a Clean Truck Check emissions test in the next 90 days, or are past due
- Any vehicles with enforcement holds
This is an account statement and does not necessarily mean you need to take any action.
Please address any vehicles for which you owe fees, have compliance emissions tests that are due, or have enforcement holds.
You may login to your CTC-VIS account and go to your VEHICLES section to resolve any non-compliant vehicle issues. You may click NON-COMPLIANT to see the reason the vehicle has been marked Non-Compliant.
For details please see the following links.
Compliance Requirements Overview
Emissions Compliance Testing Requirements for Clean Truck Check
Credentialed Testers and Testing Devices
Tester Exam and List
How can I become a credentialed tester?
Anyone can take CARB’s free credentialed tester course and exam at Tester Training Course and Exam. You must pass the accompanying exam with at least an 80 percent score to obtain a HD I/M Tester Identification Number authorizing you to perform vehicle compliance testing for 2 years.
When will my name show on the credentialed testers for hire list?
As long as you passed the credentialed testers exam and checked the checkbox to be listed on the public tester list, it may take a few days to a week for your name to appear on the credentialed testers for hire list.
Can you perform a practice test before sending test results to CARB?
All tests will be submitted, but notes can be added to indicate practice tests.
Is there a Clean Truck Check logo I can use as a credentialed tester?
Information on Clean Truck Check signage for credentialed testers is available at Clean Truck Check Credentialed Testers Marketing Materials, along with other helpful information for credentialed testers, at Available for Hire Credentialed Tester. You may subscribe to receive email updates for more information.
OBD Tests
What OBD testing devices can I use?
The list of CARB-certified OBD testing devices can be found at OBD Test Devices. More information on OBD testing can be found at OBD Readiness Criteria.
How do I know if my vehicle has an OBD system?
Vehicles subject to on-board diagnostic (OBD) testing are:
- Heavy-duty (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating ≥ 14,000 lbs.) diesel vehicles and diesel hybrids with 2013 and newer model year engines.
- Alternative fuel (e.g., natural gas) and alternative fuel hybrid heavy-duty vehicles with 2018 and newer model year engines
Non-OBD Tests
What do I need to do for a non-OBD test?
When performing emissions compliance tests on non-OBD vehicles, a credentialed tester must use a SAE J1667-compatible smoke meter to conduct the smoke opacity test.
To obtain information on smoke meter manufacturers that have declared that their meters meet the SAE J1667 specifications, visit Smoke Meter Manufacturers. It is the responsibility of a credentialed Clean Truck Check Tester to coordinate with a smoke meter manufacturer to ensure that their specific smoke meter model is SAE J1667-compatible. The SAE J1667 Recommended Practice Snap Acceleration Smoke Test Procedure for Heavy-Duty Powered Vehicles is also available SAE at J1667 Snap Acceleration Smoke Test Procedure for Heavy-Duty Powered Vehicles
Another component of the Clean Truck Check compliance test for non-OBD vehicles is the visual inspection of emissions equipment. Credentialed testers must use the Vehicle Emissions Control Equipment Inspection Form to conduct the visual inspection.
As a vendor, how do I get my OBD testing devices certified?
The OBD testing device certification process ensures that OBD device vendors demonstrate that their devices meet the requirements of the HDIM Regulation. Upon successful demonstration, CARB will issue the vendor an Executive Order (EO) allowing for the sale and use of the device in the CTC program. Devices that are not installed directly into the OBD port may require additional testing. Visit Vendor Device Certification for more information on vendor device certification requirements.
Can I operate in CA if I removed all the vehicle’s emissions system components?
Operating an uncertified, tampered, or illegally modified vehicle on a public highway is a violation of California law and subject to proof of correction and fines. CARB, in coordination with the California Highway Patrol, conducts enforcement actions against individual vehicle owners that have violated the law by tampering, modifying, or installing illegal parts on emission-controlled vehicles operated on a public highway. Any person that illegally modifies or operates an uncertified or tampered vehicle on a public highway as defined by California law is subject to a penalty of up to $37,500 per violation (HSC sections 43016 and 43154).
In addition, Clean Truck Check requirements include the use of new technologies, such as Remote Emission Monitoring Devices (REMD) in conjunction with Automated License Plate Readers (ALPR) to detect potentially high emitting vehicles operating on the road and flag them for testing. This part of the Clean Truck Check program began on January 1, 2023. Vehicles flagged as potential high emitters will receive a Notice to Submit to Testing (NST) from California Air Resources Board (CARB) enforcement to ensure the vehicle is operating with properly functioning emissions control systems. Upon receipt of an NST, the vehicle owner will have 30 calendar days to submit to CARB a passing emissions compliance test performed by a Clean Truck Check credentialed tester. Vehicle owners that do not comply with this requirement may be subject to CARB enforcement action, such as penalties and registration holds. Violations of air pollution regulations are prosecuted under California Health and Safety Code (HSC) Section 42402. HSC section 42402 identifies potential civil penalties of $1,000 to $10,000 per day per vehicle.