CHE Funding Assistance
Funding programs supporting the accelerated deployment of cleaner cargo handling equipment (CHE) are a crucial component of California’s efforts to promote sustainability in the freight sector. The list below includes funding programs, both active and under development, which may provide funding for cleaner CHE, as well as supporting electric charging or fueling infrastructure. To ensure maximum funding amounts, it is essential to apply as early as possible.
AB 617 Community Air Protection Incentives
AB 617 Community Air Protection (CAP) Incentives are available for projects that result in immediate air quality benefits to the most impacted communities across the State. The CAP Guidelines (last updated in 2024) contain guiding principles, program administration requirements, and eligibility criteria for selecting and implementing projects.
Contact Information
Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program
The Carl Moyer Program provides grant funding for cleaner-than-required engines, equipment, and other sources of air pollution.
Contact Information
Clean Diesel and Diesel Emissions Reduction Act Programs
The Clean Diesel Program and Diesel Emissions Reduction Act Program provides support for projects that protect human health and improve air quality by reducing harmful emissions from diesel engines. This program includes grants and rebates funded under the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act.
Contact Information
DERA Helpline: 1-877-623-2322
Clean Off-Road Equipment Voucher Incentive Project
The Clean Off-Road Equipment Voucher Incentive Project features a streamlined voucher process for buyers to receive funding that will offset the higher costs of clean, commercial ready zero-emission equipment including CHE, transport refrigeration units, and more.
Contact Information
CORE's Toll- Free Hotline: 1-866-919-CORE or 1-866-919-2673
Available Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm PT. Se habla español.
Clean Ports Program
U.S. EPA's Clean Ports Program funds zero-emission seaport equipment and infrastructure across the nation.
Contact Information
Electric Utility Transportation Electrification Programs
Many of California’s electric utilities, supported by the California Public Utilities Commission, provide incentives that support transportation electrification activities, including CHE and supporting infrastructure.
Contact Information
Energy Infrastructure Incentives for Zero-Emission Commercial Vehicles
The California Energy Commission offers incentives for zero-emission infrastructure through the Energy Infrastructure Incentives for Zero-Emission (EnergIIZE) Commercial Vehicles Project.
Contact Information
Helpline: 1-877-367-4493
Low Carbon Fuel Standard
The Low Carbon Fuel Standard is designed to encourage the use of cleaner low‑carbon fuels in California, encourage the production of those fuels, and therefore, reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Electricity utilized for electric CHE may generate Low Carbon Fuel Standard credits that can offset costs for facility upgrades.
Contact Information
Proposition 1B: Goods Movement Emission Reduction Program
Proposition 1B funding may be available for projects that achieve early or extra emissions reductions not otherwise required by law.
Contact Information
Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust
The Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust funds advanced technology vehicle and equipment projects that will mitigate the lifetime excess oxides of nitrogen emissions caused by Volkswagen’s actions.
Contact Information
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