Assembly Bill 794 Complaint Types
The table below is provided to help reporting parties determine which complaint type to select on the complaint form. Please visit to learn more about AB 794 and AB 2737.
Note: Fleet purchasers and lessees that receive funding from applicable incentive programs must maintain compliance with Assembly Bill (AB) 794 for the term of the agreement.
Complaint Type | Description | When to Select |
Unsatisfied DIR Judgment | When the California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) Labor Commissioner’s Office determines that unpaid wages are due to workers an Order, Decision, or Award or Notice of Findings is issued. If the employer that owes the wages fails to pay the workers, a judgment is issued to help the workers recover the wages. A judgment is a court order to pay wages and other monies owed. The judgment is unabated or unsatisfied if wages or money owed to the worker have not been paid in full. | To report an unabated or unsatisfied DIR judgment for a fleet purchaser or lessee.
Note: Report a new labor law violation to DIR at Labor Law Violation Report. |
False Attestation | Fleet purchasers must submit an attestation at the time of incentive application, and annually thereafter, attesting that they will meet the requirements of AB 794 and AB 2737. | To report an attestation that was submitted with false or misleading information. |
Maintenance Compliance | Fleet purchasers must complete all required maintenance and upkeep on the vehicle purchased with the incentive. | To report a fleet that has not completed maintenance and upkeep on the vehicle. |
Control of Vehicle User/Driver | Fleet purchasers must maintain direct control over the manner and means of performance of individuals using or driving the vehicle. Please visit the Labor & Workforce Development Agency’s website at ABC Test | LWDA for more information. | To report a fleet or lessee that does not maintain direct control of the individuals using the vehicle. |
Change in Vehicle Ownership | Fleet purchasers must maintain full ownership, or exclusive possession in the case of a lease, and operational control of the vehicle purchased with the incentive. | To report a change in vehicle ownership. |
Other | This option is for complaint types that are not described above. | To report all other AB 794 and AB 2737 complaints. |