TEST CAPP Communities
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AB 617 provides numerous pathways for communities to improve their air quality. From community air monitoring plans (CAMP) that can help communities identify sources of concerns, community emission reduction programs (CERP), community air grants (CAG’s), community focused enforcement are some of the ways where air districts, and CARB can collaborate with community members and residents to improve air quality under the Community Air Protection Program (CAPP or Program).
Communities in Program
Since 2018, the CARB Board has selected nineteen communities throughout California for the CAPP. As of July 2024, all nineteen communities are either developing or implementing a CERP. Majority of these communities are also performing community air monitoring.
Consistently Nominated Communities
CARB maintains a list of communities that have been recommended by community members, environmental justice groups, and local air districts have recommended to participate in the CAPP through formal selection. The Consistently Nominated Communities (CNC) and the associated map provides a general idea of where these communities are. Other agencies or programs can use this list to direct or prioritize resources to many of these communities to improve the air quality in their neighborhoods.