San Joaquin Valley Facility Particulate Emission Survey Work Plan
San Joaquin Valley Facility Particulate Emission Survey Work Plan
At the July 25, 2024, meeting of the California Air Resource Board (CARB or Board), the Board directed CARB staff to provide a report on significant stationary sources of fine particulate matter emissions (PM2.5) permitted by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (District). The Board directed staff to review the current status, including permitted and emission control equipment, current rules applicable to the facility, permitted and actual emissions, and compliance history.
CARB staff has identified 73 facilities to be included in this review. This list consists of 53 facilities identified by the Central Valley Air Quality Coalition (CVAQ)and 20 facilities identified by CARB staff emitting ten tons or more of directly emitted PM2.5 per year.
Scope of Compliance Assurance Activity Summary
CARB staff will summarize the compliance history of each of the 73 facilities. CARB staff will document compliance data, as maintained in the District’s compliance database, including records related to:
- Facility and permit inspection;
- Complaints received and District staff complaint investigations;
- Reported breakdowns, compliance deviations, or requests for enforcement relief (i.e., variance relief);
- Facility source tests and Continuous Emissions Monitoring System Relative Accuracy Test Audits;
- Notices of Violations, Notices to Comply, and Records of Corrective Actions Taken; and
- Penalties assessed by the District for violations identified by District staff.
Scope of Permit and Equipment Summary
To streamline the facility and permit unit summary process, staff will focus on a subset of 56 permit units at 29 of those 73 facilities to:
- Identify annual reported emissions;
- Summarize permit to operate information; and
- Document the applicable prohibitory rule emission limits.
Staff will summarize current permits related to existing equipment and control devices, emission limits, applicable rules, and the inclusion of these rules on the permit. CARB staff will survey the existing equipment to determine whether the current permits implement applicable emission standards established by existing District rules and existing Authority to Construct/Emission Evaluation documents prepared by District staff.