Multimedia Evaluations
The California Health and Safety Code (CHSC) requires that a multimedia evaluation be conducted and reviewed by the California Environmental Policy Council (CEPC) before specifications for new motor fuels can be adopted by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) in accordance to HSC section 43830.8. The purpose of the multimedia evaluation is to enable CEPC to determine whether a new fuel would create any significant new environmental or public health impacts. The multimedia risk assessment includes three required components or tiers, each designed to provide input to the next stage of the decision-making process.
Multimedia Evaluations
Fuels Multimedia Evaluation of Fuel Additives
Viscon California, LLC.'s Application for Verifying the Viscon Diesel Fuel Additive
Lubrizol's Application for Verifying PuriNOx Alternative Diesel Fuel
Fuels Multimedia Evaluation of Changes in Fuels Specifications
Amendments to California Diesel Fuel Regulations
Use of Ethanol in California Gasoline