Community Air Protection Program Resource Center
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Welcome to the Community Air Protection Program Online Resource Center, a one-stop shop to obtain data, guidance, and tools to support improving air quality at the community scale. The Resource Center serves as a centralized repository of information and resources for use by community members, air districts, and the public. It will be continuously updated as new documents, materials, and data become available, and is expected to become more robust as the Community Air Protection Program is implemented over the coming years and we identify best practices and lessons learned.
Introduction to Community Air Quality
Basics of community-scale air quality, covering health effects, community engagement, and enforcement.
Strategy Development
Resources to support emissions and exposure reduction strategy development, including CARB and air district strategies, incentive funding, transportation, land use, and mitigation information.
Technical Assistance
Tools and data sources, including the Technology Clearinghouse and the Community Air Monitoring Toolbox, to support community identification, community air monitoring, strategy development, and other air quality analysis.
AB 617 Implementation
Updates highlighting specific elements of AB 617 implementation, including expedited BARCT implementation schedules, emissions reporting, and Community Air Grants information.