Current Zero-Emission Vehicle Regulation
Advanced Clean Cars
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CARB has been the leader in the development of programs designed to reduce emissions from mobile sources. Mobile sources account for well over half of the emissions which contribute to ozone and particulate matter air pollution in California. Zero-Emission vehicles (ZEVs) and near-zero-emission vehicles are a key element of California's plan for attaining health-based air quality standards.
The following files contain the latest “clean” versions (without underline and strikeout) of the California ZEV regulations:
- 2018 through 2025 Model Year ZEV Requirements (CCR Section 1962.2)
- 2026 and Subsequent Model Year ZEV Requirements (CCR Section 1962.4)
- 2026 and Subsequent Model Year Data Standardization Requirements (CCR Section 1962.5)
- Battery Labeling Requirements (CCR Section 1962.6)
- 2026 and Subsequent Model Year In-Use Compliance, Corrective Action and Recall Protocols (CCR 1962.7)
- 2026 and Subsequent Model Year Warranty Requirements (CCR 1962.8)
- Electric Vehicle Charger Requirements (CCR Section 1962.3)
Learn more about Low-Emission Vehicle Regulations and Test Procedures or past regulatory activity for the ZEV Program.