Carl Moyer Program: Eligible Equipment
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The California Air Resource Board (CARB) has adopted many fleet rules that effect on-road heavy-duty vehicles. The Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment (Carl Moyer) Program provides incentive grants for cleaner-than-required engines, equipment, and other sources of pollution providing early or extra emission reductions. These grants are issued locally by air pollution control districts and air quality management districts. Implementing air districts determine local funding and availability of Carl Moyer Program projects. Please contact your local air district for current information on funding availability, project eligibility, applications, and application selection timeline.
On-road project categories include heavy-duty truck and buses, school buses, transit vehicles, drayage trucks, public agency and utility vehicles, emergency vehicles, and solid waste collection vehicles. On-road infrastructure projects such as electrical charging and alternative fuel stations for light, medium, and heavy-duty trucks may also be eligible for funding. In addition, infrastructure for truck stop electrification, TRUs, transit vehicles, emergency vehicles, and school buses may also be eligible for funding. To learn more information on eligible project categories, click on More About This Program below to see a full list of source categories.
The following list of source categories funded under the Carl Moyer Program provides more information about funding opportunities and whether your vehicle or equipment may be eligible. Each category listed is linked to program information pertaining to project and applicant eligibility.
- Off-Road
- On-Road
- Locomotives
- Marine Vessels
- Light-Duty Vehicles
- Infrastructure
For more information regarding the Carl Moyer Program, please contact MoyerHelp MoyerHelp@arb.ca.gov.