Greenhouse Gases in Consumer Products
High Global Warming Potential Consumer Products
On October 25, 2007, CARB approved a list of early action measures to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Reduction of compounds with high global warming potential (GWP) that are used in consumer products was designated as one of these measures, and became part of the State’ s comprehensive strategy when the Board approved the Scoping Plan on December 12, 2008. This measure can be found on page C-179, of the scoping plan.
Limiting the use of high GWP compounds in consumer products is a long-term effort. This measure is only a small part of a much larger program, CARB’s Consumer Products Program.
Various consumer products may contain GHGs in their formulations. Products containing high GWP GHGs include pressurized containers that utilize nitrous oxide (N2O) including aerosol cheese and dessert toppings, as well as hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) propellant products such as boat horns, pressurized gas dusters, and tire inflators.
Strategy Description
The objective of the consumer products early action measure is to reduce the impact of compounds with high GWPs when alternatives are available. Consumer product formulations may be required to reduce or eliminate the use of GHGs with high GWPs.
Global Warming Potential (GWP) Values for Compounds Used in Consumer Products 2007 IPCC Report: GWP Values can be found in Chapter 2, "Changes in Atmospheric Constituents and in-Radative Forcing," Table 2.14, pages 212-213. Table 2.14 includes the Fourth Assessment Report GWP values and as a courtesy to the reader, a column with the Second Assessment Report 100-year GWP values. Table 2.15, page 215 includes GWP values for select organic compounds.
Past Events
May 5, 2009
2009 Amendments to the California Consumer Products Regulation
In accordance with AB 32, we are proposing to prohibit the use of compounds with global warming potential (GWP) values of 150 or greater in “Double Phase Aerosol Air Freshener,” “Multi-Purpose Solvent,” and “Paint Thinner.” These provisions are contained in new subsections 94509(t) and (u) (pp. 224-225).
These proposals are intended to minimize the climate change impacts of products reformulated to comply with the proposed VOC limits.
June 26, 2008
2008 Amendments to the California Consumer Products Regulation
GWP Limit on Pressurized Gas Duster (PGD) Products: the Board approved amendments that would set new or lower VOC limits for 25 categories of consumer products. OAL approved the rulemaking and filed it with the Secretary of State on June 18, 2009. The regulation will become effective on July 18, 2009. Additionally, the June 2008 amendments established the first limit to reduce the impact of Pressurized Gas Duster product emissions on global warming. Limiting the emissions of GHGs in the category is equivalent to reducing about 0.2 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year. Provisions for PGDs are contained in title 17, CCR, subsections 94509(r) and 94510(c).