Outdoor Residential Waste Burning
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To protect community health, the Air Resources Board (ARB) approved an Airborne Toxic Control Measure (ATCM) to reduce air emissions of dioxins and other toxic substances from outdoor residential waste burning statewide.
Per this ATCM, beginning January 1, 2004, no household trash or garbage may be burned outdoors at residences. Dry, natural vegetation, grown on the property, may still be burned outdoors in open piles, unless prohibited by local controls. Burn barrels are not allowed for burning waste, including vegetation, at residences.
There are temporary exemption areas, with extremely low population density, where dry, non-glossy paper and cardboard might be burned, and where burn barrels might be permitted at residences. These temporary exemption areas are determined by local air districts and are listed by census zip code tabulation area (ZCTA). Contact your local air district to obtain more information about residential burning in your area, including times when burning is restricted due to poor air quality.