Ozone Transport
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The California Clean Air Act (Act) of 1988 directs the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to assess the contribution of ozone and ozone precursors in upwind basins or regions on ozone concentrations that violate the State ozone standard in downwind basins or regions.
The movement of ozone and ozone precursors between basins or regions is referred to as transport. In addition, the Act directs the ARB to establish mitigation requirements for upwind districts commensurate with their contributions to the air quality problems in downwind basins or regions.
In response to the California Clean Air Act of 1988, the ARB has published several transport reports that include technical assessments of transport relationships between air basins and regions in California. Along with these technical assessments the reports have included mitigation requirements for ensuring that upwind areas do their part to limit the effects of transport on their downwind neighbors. These two important components, transport assessments and transport mitigation, are further described as separate sections. Information is provided to gain historical perspective and to obtain copies of the reports.
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For more information on transport assessments or transport mitigation, contact Jin Xu at (916) 327-1511.