Dry Cleaning Program: Publications
The publications below provide information on the compliance requirements of the Dry Cleaning ATCM, the administration of the AB 998 Demonstration Program; and the alternative solvents which are being used in California.
- Dry Cleaning Notice 2015-2: Updated Alternative Solvents Used for Dry Cleaning Operations
- Dry Cleaning Notice 2015-1: AB 998 Demonstration Program
- Dry Cleaning Notice 2009-1: Advisory to Owners and Operators of Perc Dry Cleaning Facilities | Korean | Spanish
Regulatory Advisories
Major requirements of the Dry Cleaning ATCM and the requirements for Perc manufacturers and distributors are summarized in these advisories.
- Dry Cleaning ATCM | Korean
- Environmental Training
- Perc Manufacturers and Distributors
- CARB/CAPCOA letter providing guidance to APCDs in addressing dry cleaners having difficulties coming into compliance with the Dry Cleaning ATCM
Fact Sheets
The following fact sheets describe California's dry cleaning regulations, dry cleaning alternative solvents, and the non-toxic dry clenaing incentive program (AB 998). If you have a question concerning one of these aspects of dry cleaning in California, please refer to the appropriate CARB staff person listed as a contact on each appropriate fact sheet. .
- Dry Cleaning ATCM Requirements | Korean
- AB 998 Non-Toxic Dry Cleaning Incentive Program | Korean
- California State Fire Marshall Information Bulletin on Fire Protection Systems for Dry Cleaning Plants with Type-III Dry Cleaning Systems and the 2010 Fire Code Requirements
- A Notice to Provide Information on Financing Alternative Dry Cleaning Machines
- Grant frequently asked questions
Toxicity Evaluation Of Decamethylcylopentasiloxane (D5)
In September 2006, GreenEarth (GreenEarth) requested CARB to evaluate the health information for Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane, also known as D5, the solvent used in GreenEarth. Consequently, we asked the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) to review the available information on the toxicity and persistence of D5. The following documents pertain to OEHHA’s evaluation.
- CARB letter to the local air districts
- OEHHA memo to CARB (Review of Toxicity Information on D5)
- Industry comments
- OEHHA response