Air Monitoring Training Modules
CARB's Monitoring and Laboratory Division developed three training modules for staff and management that support air monitoring activities. The modules were designed to emphasize the key elements of ambient air monitoring. Training was conducted by subject-matter experts from CARB, U.S. EPA, air monitoring agencies, and instrument manufacturers.
To view the presentations and videos, please follow the links provided below.
Module 1- Fundamentals of Air Monitoring and Station Setup and Operation
This module introduced attendees to the history, purpose, terminology, and network design for air monitoring, as well as station set-up, operation, and maintenance. The focus was to foster an understanding of the Primary Quality Assurance Organization and the ways CARB, U.S. EPA and monitoring organizations can work together to produce high quality data.
Module 2 - Quality Assurance and Data Management
This module covered the data management process from data collection to data recording in U.S. EPA's Air Quality System (AQS) and beyond. The basics of quality assurance, quality assessment, and quality control were covered as they relate to the data management process. Attendees received instruction on the use of SOPs, calibration and routine checks, documentation, data validation, AQS, and concluded with the use of monitoring data to make decisions.
Module 3 - Instrumentation Operation and Media-Based Sampling and Analysis
This 2-day module provided instrument specific training which covered operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of the most commonly used ambient air monitoring instruments and methodologies. The training included a discussion of media-based sampling and analysis, special projects, and allowed for some hands-on operation of air monitoring instrumentation.
2017 PQAO Training
The 2017 training was designed to expand the level of knowledge throughout all PQAOs in California. The training included key materials from PQAO Training Modules 1, 2, and 3, as well as new topics. Example topics include: Air Monitoring Instrumentation, Air Monitoring Station Operations, Data Management, Emerging Technologies, Network Design, and Quality Assurance.
2019 PQAO Training
CARB, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and local air monitoring organizations recognize that continuing education and training are critical components to maintaining continuity, effectiveness, and efficiency within air monitoring programs. This comprehensive air monitoring training program is designed to expand the level of knowledge throughout all PQAOs in California and is intended for both new and previous attendees. The 2.5 day training included key material from past PQAO Trainings, as well as new topics.
2021 PQAO Training
The 2021 PQAO Training was held virtually and included key material from past PQAO Trainings, as well as new topics.