There are two federal primary standards for Lead (Pb) - a quarterly-averaged standard of 1.5 micrograms per cubic meter (ug/m3) (in certain areas) and a rolling 3-month average of 0.15 ug/m3. The secondary lead standards are the same as the primary standards. The only nonattainment area in California for lead is in the South Coast Air Basin.
Maps of current area designations can be found through the Resources tab on the left. Information about specific lead nonattainment areas and the efforts to bring them into attainment of the lead standards can be found on the California State Implementation Plan (SIP) webpage.
Lead Primary and Secondary Standards
- May 2012 - CARB approved a revision to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) to address attainment of the federal lead standard in the South Coast Air Basin portion of Los Angeles County.
- This is the only area in California designated as nonattainment for lead. The SIP revision for lead was submitted to U.S. EPA for approval by the June 30, 2012, deadline. Additional information about this item is found on CARB's South Coast Air Quality Management Plans webpage. CARB previously submitted a SIP revision addressing the infrastructure requirements for lead. The Lead Infrastructure SIP is also available on the web.
- November 2011 - U.S. EPA issued a second set of final area designations (FR Notice November 22, 2011; effective December 31, 2011).
- November 2010 - U.S. EPA issued an initial set of final area designations (FR Notice November 22, 2010; effective December 31, 2010).
- October 2009 - CARB staff submitted recommended area designations to U.S. EPA. The full submittal package and U.S. EPA's response are available on the U.S. EPA website.
- October 2008 - U.S. EPA revised the primary lead standard (FR Notice November 12, 2008; effective January 12, 2009).
Additional information about activities related to lead can be found on U.S. EPA's lead home page.