PLZ Aeroscience Corporation Settlement
PLZ Aeroscience Corporation Settles For $51,200
In October 2021, the California Air Resources Board and PLZ Aeroscience Corporation (PLZ), of Pacific, Missouri, reached a settlement agreement in the amount of $51,200. The total amount will be deposited into CARB’s Air Pollution Control Fund, which provides funding for projects and research to improve California's air quality.
An investigation by CARB staff revealed that PLZ sold, supplied, offered for sale and/or manufactured for use in California:
(1) Mist Spray Adhesive, Web Spray Adhesive, Lubricant-Penetrant, and Single-purpose Cleaner category products containing toxic compounds methylene chloride, trichlorethylene, and perchloroethylene prohibited in California Code of Regulations, title 17, section 94509(m)(1) (17 CCR § 94509(m)(1));
(2) Clear Coating category products containing the toxic known as trichloroethylene, prohibited in 17 CCR § 94522(e); and
(3) General Purpose-Adhesive Remover and Multi-purpose Solvent category products that exceeded the concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOC) specified in 17 CCR § 94509(a).
This resulted in several violations, including 15 days of violation, 0.23 tons of prohibited toxic emissions, and 0.22 tons of excess VOC emissions. To come into compliance, PLZ has updated their manufacturing process and strengthened protocols related to sale of products prohibited in California. PLZ cooperated fully with CARB to resolve this matter.