2001 San Francisco Bay Area Ozone Plan
On November 1, 2001, the Board approved the San Francisco Bay Area 2001 Ozone Attainment Plan for the 1-Hour National Ozone Standard (2001 Plan) as a revision to the SIP. This was a continuation of the initial hearing of this item on July 26, 2001. The District and its co-lead agencies, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) adopted the 2001 Plan on October 26, 2001.
The District prepared the 2001 Plan because the Bay Area failed to attain the federal ozone standard by its 2000 deadline. As a result, the U.S. EPA disapproved the Bay Area's 1999 Plan and required a new plan with an updated volatile organic compounds (VOC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions inventory, new transportation conformity budgets, and that shows attainment of the federal ozone standard by 2006.
The 2001 Plan contains a control strategy with seven new stationary source measures, five new transportation control measures (TCMs), and eleven further-study measures. In the 2001 Plan, the District also commits to strengthen the Smog Check program by requesting the State Bureau of Automotive Repair to implement two VOC-reducing program elements. The new measures and on-going programs will provide 271 tons per day of combined VOC and NOx emission reductions between 2000 and 2006. The 2001 Plan also includes a new attainment assessment based on currently available data for the Bay Area. The Bay Area co-lead agencies have committed to reassess the attainment assessment in 2003 using data from the Central California Ozone Study and to submit a revised SIP to U.S. EPA in 2004 with any needed modifications to the control strategy.
On November 30, 2001, CARB submitted the 2001 Plan to U.S. EPA for approval as a revision to the California SIP. To support the on-road motor vehicle emission inventory and transportation conformity budgets in the Plan, CARB also transmitted the San Francisco Bay Area-EMFAC2000 model to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for approval for the Bay Area.
CARB Documents
- Plan Submittal Letter to U.S. EPA (November 30, 2001)
- Resolution 01-27 (November 1, 2001)
- Notice of Public Hearing (October 1, 2001)
- Staff Report (June 26, 2001)