2016 Mobile Source Strategy
On May 16, 2016, CARB released the updated Mobile Source Strategy that demonstrates how the State can simultaneously meet air quality standards, achieve greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, decrease health risk from transportation emissions, and reduce petroleum consumption over the next fifteen years.
- Mobile Source Strategy (May 16, 2016)
- Appendix A: Economic Analysis of the Mobile Source Strategy
The actions contained in the Mobile Source Strategy will deliver broad environmental and public health benefits, as well as support much needed efforts to modernize andupgrade transportation infrastructure, enhance system-wide efficiency and mobility options, and promote clean economic growth in the mobile sector.
The estimated benefits of the strategy in reducing emissions from mobile sources includes an 80 percent reduction of smog-forming emissions and a 45 percent reduction in diesel particulate matter from today's levels in the South Coast. Statewide, the Mobile Source Strategy would also result in a 45 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, and a 50 percent reduction in the consumption of petroleum-based fuels.
Progress on related planning efforts has helped to shape staff's approach on the scope of actions and appropriate policy and programmatic mechanisms needed to implement the overall Mobile Source Strategy.
These plans include the State SIP Strategy to meet federal air quality goals, as well as the Scoping Plan Update, the California Sustainable Freight Action Plan, the Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Strategy, and implementation of Senate Bill 375, the Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act. Each plan will draw from the Mobile Source Strategy to incorporate actions and policies necessary to meet individual program goals. While each of the individual planning efforts incorporate and expand upon various elements of the Mobile Source Strategy, ARB has updated the Mobile Source Strategy to continue to provide an integrated planning perspective and common vision for transforming the mobile sector.
Discussion Draft
In October 2015, ARB staff published the Mobile Source Strategy Discussion Draft, which introduced a comprehensive strategy to reduce emissions from mobile sources to meet critical air quality and climate goals over the next fifteen years. Subsequent to publication of the Discussion Draft, ARB staff held a public workshop in Sacramento on October 16, 2015 and provided the Board an information update on the strategy on October 22, 2015. Both the workshop and the Board meeting provided the public opportunities to comment on the strategy and proposed measure concepts.
Public Hearing - October 22, 2015
- Public Meeting Notice (October 9, 2015)
- Staff Presentation (October 22, 2015)
- Board Meeting Comment Log - Item 15-8-6
Workshop - October 16, 2015
- Public Workshop Notice (September 30, 2015)
- Agenda
- Staff Presentations
- Measure Concept NOx Emission Reductions
- NOx Inventory
- GHG Inventory