Apply for an LCFS Fuel Pathway
A fuel pathway carbon intensity (CI) consists of the sum of the greenhouse gases emitted throughout each stage of a fuel's production and use, also known as the "well-to-wheels" or "life cycle" emissions for the fuel.
The CI for transportation fuel is the amount of life cycle greenhouse gas emissions per unit of fuel energy, expressed in grams of carbon dioxide equivalent per megajoule (gCO2e/MJ). CIs include the direct effects of producing and using this fuel, as well as indirect effects that may be associated with how the fuel affects other products and markets.
This page illustrates the application processes for Lookup Table, Tier 1, and Tier 2 pathways and describes the petition process for using Temporary pathways.
Applications are submitted through the Alternative Fuels Portal (AFP). See the AFP User Guide at LCFS Guidance Documents, User Guides, and FAQs for additional information.
Lookup Table Pathways
Many Lookup Table pathways (Table 7-1) do not require an application in the AFP. Entities seeking to report fuel transactions for CARBOB, Diesel, Compressed Natural Gas, Propane, California Average Grid Electricity, and Smart Charging/Smart Electrolysis may register and report directly in the LRT-CBTS without submitting a fuel pathway application.
Entities seeking approval to report fuel transactions using the Lookup Table fuel pathways for zero-CI electricity and hydrogen (LCFS Regulation sections 95488.1(b)(2)(A) through (F)) must submit the fuel pathway application attestation letter and the documentation in the application checklists below:
Zero-CI Electricity and Hydrogen Lookup Table pathways follow the application steps shown below:

Tier 1 Pathways

Tier 1 pathway applications require the submission of a discrete set of inputs to calculate the carbon intensity. Applicants must submit documentation to substantiate Simplified CI Calculator inputs to CARB during that period. Tier 1 applications require at least 3 months of fuel production data and corresponding feedstock procurement records.
Applicants will provide these records to a CARB-accredited verifier as part of mandatory validation or verification. For more information, visit LCFS Verification.
Tier 2 Pathways

Tier 2 applications are based on CARB-approved modifications to Tier 1 calculators or the CA-GREET3.0 model. These modifications are designed to capture project-specific parameters that are not otherwise available in the Tier 1 framework. Refer to section 95488.7(a) in the LCFS Regulation for all application requirements. For guidance on submitting Tier 2 electricity pathways, refer to Electricity and Hydrogen Provisions and Application Checklist for Tier 2 Electricity.
Applicants will provide these records to a CARB-accredited verifier as part of mandatory validation or verification. For more information, visit LCFS Verification
Temporary Pathways
Entities may petition to use a Temporary fuel pathway carbon intensity value for reporting quantities of fuel associated with facilities that have produced a finished fuel for less than 3 consecutive months, or that have processed a new feedstock that cannot be reported under a certified pathway. A Temporary fuel pathway may be approved for up to two consecutive quarters at a time.
An entity may petition to use a Temporary fuel pathway that appears in Table 8 of the LCFS Regulation or has been approved by CARB pursuant to subsection 95488.9(b)(4) of the LCFS Regulation.
To request that CARB consider proposing approval of any new Temporary Pathway, please contact CARB LCFS Pathway Processing at
Petitions to use a Temporary pathway must be submitted through the Alternative Fuels Portal (AFP). Please see the Temporary Pathway Questionnaire for submission requirements and additional details.