In September 2022, the Parking Cash-Out Program (AB 2206) amended the definitions and requirements for employers. Based on the amendment, the Air Resources Board has updated the guide explaining the law and answering the questions employers frequently ask.
State law requires certain employers who provide subsidized parking for their employees to offer a cash allowance in lieu of a parking space. This law is called the parking cash-out program. The intent of the law is to reduce vehicle commute trips and emissions by offering employees the option of "cashing out" their subsidized parking space and taking transit, biking, walking or carpooling to work. For years, negative tax implications limited the implementation of the law. But in 1998, federal legislation fixed this problem.
Employers: The guide will help you determine whether you must implement a parking cash-out program.
Employees: If your employer pays for all or part of your parking, ask your employer if you are entitled to the parking cash-out choice.