ETS Additional Information
Summary information on exposure to ETS and potential health effects.
Air Toxics
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Information on Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS), also known as Secondhand Smoke (SHS).
Background Information | |
National Cancer Institute Q & A Sheet | Provides information on ETS, its health effects and how exposure to ETS is being reduced. |
Environmental Protection Agency | ETS as a carcinogen, the health risks and select studies done to date. |
Mayo Clinic Article | Explains the dangers of ETS, including what chemicals are in it. |
Environmental Tobacco Smoke in the News | |
California Department of Public Health | New data and anti-smoking ads highlight dangers of drifting secondhand smoke in apartments, affecting diverse populations |
Health Effects of Environmental Tobacco Smoke | |
OEHHA Pamphlet on ETS and Children | Brochure explaining ETS health effects on children (English and Spanish). |
Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights | The Science of Secondhand Smoke |
University of California, Davis | ETS harmful to infants lungs |
ETS Legislation and Policies | |
Tobacco Control Laws | Provides information on state legislated actions on tobacco issues |
California Smoke-Free Workplace Act | Provides links to fact sheets and articles on this law and its enforcement |
OC Register | Irvine Bans Smoking in Parks |
ETS Exposure | |
U.S. Dept of Housing and Urban Development Smoke Free Housing Tools | Toolkit to help federally assisted housing managers adopt smoke free policies |
Smoke-Free Environments Law Project | Power-Point Presentations on Smoke-Free Environments Issues |
In Your Workplace | Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights information sheet on smoke exposure in the workplace |
Need Help Quitting? | American Lung Association's on-line quitting program |
Scientific Research and Government Reports | |
2006 Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment Memorandum | Provides information on ETS as a Toxic Air Contaminant (TAC) that may be especially harmful to infants and children, including a link to the 2006 OEHHA report |
News Release: ETS identified as a Toxic Air Contaminant | News Release issued by the California Air Resources Board informing the public of its decision to add secondhand smoke to its list of toxic air contaminants |
2005 California Air Resources Board Report | Contains links to the full 2005 report proposing the identification of ETS as a TAC in addition to public comments and public hearing notices |
2006 Surgeon General Report | The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Secondhand Smoke |