Fuels Multimedia Evaluation of Biodiesel
Revised Staff Report: Multimedia Evaluation of Biodiesel
Prepared by the Multimedia Working Group (May 2015)
The staff of the Air Resources Board (ARB or Board) intends to establish new motor vehicle fuel specifications and in-use requirements for biodiesel as part of the proposed ADF regulation. The ADF regulation is intended to provide a framework for low carbon diesel fuel substitutes to enter the commercial market in California, while mitigating any potential environmental or public health impacts. The proposed regulation order is provided in Appendix A.
Before new fuel specifications are established, California Health and Safety Code (HSC) section 43830.8 requires a multimedia evaluation to be conducted and reviewed by the California Environmental Policy Council (CEPC). The CEPC must determine if the proposed regulation poses a significant adverse impact on public health or the environment. Since the ARB intends to establish new fuel specifications for biodiesel, a comprehensive multimedia evaluation of the fuel was conducted in accordance to HSC section 43830.8.
The purpose and scope of the multimedia evaluation is to inform the rulemaking process and provide the information needed for the development of fuel regulations. The Multimedia Working Group (MMWG) was established to oversee the multimedia evaluation process and make recommendations to the CEPC regarding the acceptability of new fuel formulations proposed for use in the State.
For the proposed biodiesel specifications included as part of the ADF regulation, the MMWG prepared this staff report for submittal to the CEPC. The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of the multimedia evaluation and the MMWG’s conclusions and recommendations to the CEPC.