Implementation of the State SIP Strategy
In March 2017, the Board adopted the 2016 State Strategy for the State Implementation Plan (State SIP Strategy); and in October 2018, the Board adopted the San Joaquin Valley Supplement to the 2016 State SIP Strategy for the State Implementation Plan (Valley State SIP Strategy). This webpage provides information and links to the various efforts underway to implement the strategy.
Update on Implementation of the State SIP Strategy and South Coast AQMP
On March 22, 2018, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) conducted a public meeting to hear an informational Update on Implementation of the State SIP Strategy and South Coast Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP).
- Public Agenda for the March Board Hearing (March 22, 2018 CARB Board Hearing)
Substantial progress has been made in implementing various elements of the State SIP Strategy during the past year. Staff provided the Board with an update of the multitude of staff actions to implement the State SIP Strategy, and on the District efforts to implement the AQMP.
Incentives and Further Deployment Measures
Regulatory measures represent a comprehensive and aggressive scope of action across all sectors and account for approximately 70 percent of emission reductions anticipated from the State SIP Strategy measures. Funding to expand the deployment of these cleaner technologies will achieve the remaining increment of necessary reductions. CARB staff continue to work with the local air districts on defining funding needs and mechanisms for implementing the State SIP Strategy.
San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Equipment Incentive Measure
The Valley State SIP Strategy includes the Accelerated Turnover of Agricultural Equipment measure to achieve emissions reductions through existing and new incentive projects. The proposed San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Equipment Incentive Measure is an incentive measure that targets the turnover of agricultural equipment in the Valley to the cleanest engines.
- 2023 Annual Demonstration Report (May 15, 2024)
- 2022 Annual Demonstration Report (May 15, 2023)
- 2021 Annual Demonstration Report (May 13, 2022)
- 2020 Annual Demonstration Report (May 14, 2021)
- Technical Clarifications (November 23, 2020)
- CARB Documents
- Submittal Letter to U.S. EPA (February 7, 2020)
- Public Notice (December 12, 2019 CARB Board Hearing)
- San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Equipment Incentive Measure
- Appendix A: Quantification Methodology and Sample Calculations
- Appendix B: 2011 Moyer Guidelines
- Appendix C: 2017 Moyer Guidelines
- Appendix D: NRCS Guidelines
- Appendix E: FARMER Guidelines
- Appendix F: PM10 to PM2.5 Conversion Ratio
- Appendix G: CARB 2011 Emissions Inventory for Agricultural Diesel Vehicles
- Appendix H: Moyer Program Project List
- Appendix I: NRCS Project List
- Appendix J: FARMER Project List
- Typographical Corrections for the San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Equipment Incentive Measure
- Resolution 19-26
- Additional Clarifying Information for the San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Equipment Incentive Measure
- Detailed Quantification of Projects in Appendicies H, I, and J
- Public Workshop - August 29, 2019
On-Road Heavy-Duty Vehicle Incentive Measure to Achieve Reductions in 2023
The State SIP Strategy includes the Incentive Funding to Achieve Further Emission Reductions from On-Road Heavy-Duty Vehicles or the South Coast Incentive Measure. The South Coast Incentive Measure is a prospective incentive measure that targets the turnover of heavy-duty trucks in the South Coast Air Basin to cleaner technologies funded through the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program in 2023.
- Substitute Measure Submittal (February 22, 2023)
- 2022 Annual Progress Report (March 23, 2022)
- 2021 Annual Progress Report (March 30, 2022)
- 2020 Annual Progress Report (March 26, 2021)
- Technical Clarifications (November 23, 2020)
- 2019 Annual Progress Report (March 30, 2020)
- CARB Documents
- Submittal Letter to U.S. EPA (May 2, 2018)
- Public Notice (March 22, 2018 CARB Board Hearing)
- South Coast On-Road Heavy-Duty Vehicle Incentive Measure
- Errata for the South Coast On-Road Heavy-Duty Vehicle Incentive Measure
- Resolution 18-3
- Public Webinar - September 19, 2017