Past HD OBD Regulatory Documents
This website contains regulatory documents from past rulemakings for the HD OBD regulations (sections 1971.1 and 1971.5, title 13, California Code of Regulations (CCR)), including the Engine Manufacturer Diagnostic (EMD) regulation (section 1971). Please note that the regulation orders found here are not the most updated. For the latest official versions of the OBD II regulations, please see the Barclays Official California Code of Regulations at
2015 HD OBD and OBD II Regulatory Documents (Board Hearing: September 24-25, 2015)
Documents for HD OBD Regulatory Amendments: Board Hearing September 24-25, 2015
Minor amendments to the HD OBD regulation and associated enforcement regulation (sections 1971.1 and 1971.5, title 13, CCR) were proposed as part of the 15-Day Notice for the OBD II rulemaking package (September 24-25, 2015 Board Hearing) and approved by the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) on July 25, 2016. The specific amendments are as follows:
- Amendments to Section 1971.1: Deletion of the definitions for "Emission standard," "Evaporative emission standards," and "Exhaust emission standards" or "tailpipe emission standards" from section 1971.1(c).
- Amendments to Section 1971.5: Revisions to the definition of "Nonconforming OBD System" in section 1971.5(a)(3).
The regulatory documents related to this rulemaking can be found on the OBD II Regulations and Rulemaking website. For reference, descriptions of the amendments to the HD OBD regulations can be found in the "Notice of Public Availability of Modified Text" (15-Day Notice) and the associated regulatory language (with strike-outs and underlines), and the final OAL-approved HD OBD amendments (with strike-outs and underlines) can be found in the Final Regulation Order.
The regulatory documents for this 2015 OBD rulemaking update can also be found on the official CARB regulatory website.
2012 HD OBD Regulatory Documents (Board Hearing: August 23, 2012)
OAL-Approved Final Regulation Orders for HD OBD and OBD II Regulations
OAL approved the rulemaking and filed it with the Secretary of State on July 31, 2013, and the regulations because effective on the same day. These documents includes the strikeout/underline format to identify the changes from the current regulations. The final regulation orders for sections 1968.2, 1968.5, and 1971.5 only include excerpts of the regulations where the changes were made.
- Section 1971.1 of Title 13, CCR (HD OBD regulation)
- Section 1968.2 of Title 13, CCR (OBD II regulation)
- Section 1971.5 of Title 13, CCR (HD OBD enforcement regulation)
- Section 1968.5 of Title 13, CCR (OBD II enforcement regulation)
- "Endorsed Approved" Form 400 and Final Regulation Order including "Endorsed Filed" by the Office of the Secretary of State
- Addendum to the Final Statement of Reasons
Final Statement of Reasons Rulemaking Package
- Final Statement of Reasons: Summary of the adopted regulations and each objection and recommendation made by the public during the 45-Day and 15-Day comment periods.
- Updated Informative Digest: Summary of the regulations and the rulemaking process.
- Executive Order: Used when the Board approves the regulations with the 15-Day changes.
- Request for Early Effective Date
- Notice of Decision
15-Day Notice Package
- Notice of Public Availability of Modified Text: The 15-Day Notice summarizing additional proposed amendments to the regulations.
- Attachment A: Modified Text of Sections 1971.1, 1968.2, 1971.5, and 1968.5: Document including the double strikeout/underline format to identify additional changes to the original proposed amendments to the regulations made available to the public prior to the Board Hearing.
- Attachment B: Additional Supporting Documents and Information: Document including additional information about specific amendments and the costs associated with the rulemaking.
- Attachment C: S&P 500 Index: Annual Returns
August 23, 2012 Board Hearing Regulatory Documents
- Board Presentation: CARB Board Hearing presentation of the proposed amendments to the regulations.
- Staff's Suggested Modifications: Staff's suggested modifications to the original proposal distributed at the hearing.
- Public Hearing Notice: Invitation to public and industry to discuss the proposed changes to the regulations.
- Staff Report: Initial Statement of Reasons (ISOR): Descriptions of the proposed requirements.
- Proposed HD OBD Regulation section 1971.1: Document including the strikeout/underline format to identify changes from the current regulation.
- Proposed OBD II Regulation section 1968.2: Document containing only the portions of the regulation that are affected by the amendments and including the strikeout/underline format to identify changes from the current regulation.
- Proposed HD OBD Regulation section 1971.5: Document containing only the portions of the regulation that are affected by the amendments and including the strikeout/underline format to identify changes from the current regulation.
- Proposed OBD II Enforcement Regulation section 1968.5: Document containing only the portions of the regulation that are affected by the amendments and including the strikeout/underline format to identify changes from the current regulation.
OBD Workshop: March 28, 2012
- Workshop Presentation: CARB workshop presentation of the proposed amendments.
- Workshop Notice: Invitation (Mail-Out #MSC 12-03) to the public and industry to discuss the proposed amendments to the heavy-duty OBD regulation and medium-duty OBD II regulation.
- Workshop Report: Descriptions of the proposed amendments in the regulations.
- Attachment A: Draft Proposed Amendments to Heavy-Duty OBD Regulation: Draft proposed amendments to section 1971.1 of title 13, CCR. Proposed amendments are indicated by underline for additions and
strikeoutfor deletions. - Attachment B: Draft Proposed Amendments to OBD II regulation: Draft proposed amendments to section 1968.2 of title 13, CCR. Proposed amendments are indicated by underline for additions and
strikeoutfor deletions. Various portions of the regulations that are not modified by the proposed amendments are omitted from the text and indicated by "* * * *". - Draft Heavy-Duty Hybrid Mail-Out Document: Draft CARB mail-out document (mentioned in workshop report) describing the requirements for 2013 and subsequent model year heavy-duty hybrid vehicles.
The regulatory documents for this 2012 OBD rulemaking update can also be found on the official CARB regulatory website.
2009 HD OBD Regulatory Documents (Board Hearing: May 28, 2009)
OAL-Approved Final Regulation Orders for HD OBD and OBD II Regulations
OAL approved the rulemaking and filed with the Secretary of State on May 18, 2010, and the regulations became effective on June 17, 2010. The versions of sections 1971.1 and 1968.2 below include the strikeout/underline format to identify the changes from the current regulations.
- Section 1971.1 of Title 13, CCR (HD OBD regulation)
- Section 1968.2 of Title 13, CCR (OBD II regulation)
- Section 1971.5 of Title 13, CCR (HD OBD enforcement regulation)
Final Statement of Reasons Package
- Final Statement of Reasons: Summary of the adopted regulations and each objection and recommendation made by the public during the 45-Day and 15-Day comment periods.
- Updated Informative Digest: Summary of the regulations and the rulemaking process.
- Executive Order: Used when the Board approves the regulations with the 15-Day changes.
- Notice of Decision and Response to Significant Environmental Issues
15-Day Notice Package
- Notice of Public Availability of Modified Text: The 15-Day Notice summarizing additional proposed amendments to the regulations.
- Attachment I: Modified Text of Sections 1968.2, 1971.1, and 1971.5: This document includes the double strikeout/underline format to identify additional changes to the original proposed amendments to the regulations made available to the public prior to the Board Hearing.
May 28, 2009 Board Hearing Regulatory Documents
- Board Presentation: CARB Board Hearing presentation of the proposed regulation.
- Public Hearing Notice: Invitation to public and industry to discuss the proposed changes to the regulations.
- Staff Report: Initial Statement of Reasons (ISOR): Descriptions of the proposed requirements.
- Proposed HD OBD Regulation section 1971.1: Document including the strikeout/underline format to identify changes from the current regulation.
- Proposed OBD II Regulation section 1968.2: Document including the strikeout/underline format to identify changes from the current regulation.
- Proposed HD OBD Enforcement Regulation section 1971.5: The proposed enforcement regulation.
OBD Workshop: October 15, 2008
- Workshop Presentation: CARB workshop presentation of the proposed regulation.
- Workshop Notice: Invitation (Mail-Out #MSC 08-25) to the public and industry to discuss the proposed amendments to the heavy-duty OBD regulation.
- Workshop Report: Descriptions of the proposed amendments in the regulation.
- Attachment A: Draft Proposed Heavy-Duty OBD Regulation: Draft proposed regulation section 1971.1 of title 13, CCR. Proposed amendments are indicated by underline for additions and
strikeoutfor deletions.
- Attachment A: Draft Proposed Heavy-Duty OBD Regulation: Draft proposed regulation section 1971.1 of title 13, CCR. Proposed amendments are indicated by underline for additions and
The regulatory documents for this 2009 OBD rulemaking update can also be found on the official CARB regulatory website.
2005 HD OBD Regulatory Documents (Board Hearing: July 21, 2005)
OAL-Approved Final Regulation Order for HD OBD Regulation
OAL approved the rulemaking and filed it with the Secretary of State on February 15, 2006, and the regulation became effective on March 17, 2006.
Final Statement of Reasons Package
- Final Statement of Reasons: Summary of the adopted regulation and each objection and recommendation made by the public during the 45-Day and 15-Day comment periods.
- Updated Informative Digest: Summary of the regulation and the rulemaking process.
- Executive Order: Used when the Board approves the regulation with the 15-Day changes.
15-Day (Post-Hearing 45-Day) Notice Package
- Notice of Public Availability of Modified Text: The Post-Hearing Notice summarizing the additional proposed amendments to the regulation. The original 15-day comment period was extended to 45 days.
- Attachment I: Resolution 05-38 (adopted at hearing): Resolution by the Board on 7/21/05 adopting the modifications to the regulation.
- Attachment A: Proposed HD OBD Regulation section 1971.1: Available below.
- Attachment B: Staff's Suggested Modifications to Proposed Regulation: Available below.
- Attachment II: Rationale of Proposed Modifications to Section 1971.1: Document including summarizations of and explanations for the modifications made to the original proposed regulation made available to the public prior to the Board Hearing.
- Attachment III: Modified Text of Proposed Section 1971.1: Document including the strikeout/underline format to identify changes from the original proposed regulation made available to the public prior to the Board Hearing.
- Attachment IV: Revised Tables II-3 and II-4 of the Initial Statement of Reasons (ISOR): Document detailing corrections (denoted in the strikeout/underline format) to Tables II-3 and II-4 that were included as a part of the cost analysis in the ISOR (page 130).
July 21, 2005 Board Hearing Regulatory Documents
- Draft Staff's Suggested Modifications to Proposed Regulation: Draft of CARB's changes to the proposed regulation since its initial publication in response to public comments. This document includes the strikeout/underline format to identify changes from the proposed regulation made available to the public prior to the Board Hearing (and available below).
- Board Presentation: CARB Board Hearing presentation of the proposed regulation.
- Public Hearing Notice: Invitation to public and industry to discuss the proposed regulation.
- Staff Report: Initial Statement of Reasons (ISOR): Descriptions of the proposed requirements.
- Draft Proposed HD OBD Regulation: Draft proposed regulation section 1971.1 of title 13, CCR.
OBD Workshops: February 16, 2005 and October 16, 2003
February 16, 2005 Workshop
- Workshop Presentations: CARB workshop presentations of the proposed regulation.
- Presentation 1: Introduction to the draft proposed OBD regulation below.
- Presentation 2: Proposed OBD General Requirements.
- Presentation 3: Proposed OBD Monitoring Requirements.
- Presentation 4: Proposed OBD Standardization Requirements.
- Presentation 5: Proposed OBD Demonstration Testing and Certification Requirements.
- Presentation 6: Proposed OBD PVE Testing and Enforcement Requirements.
- Workshop Notice: Invitation (Mail-Out #MSC 05-01) to the public and industry to discuss the proposed heavy-duty OBD regulation and amendments to the service information regulation.
- Draft Proposed Heavy-Duty OBD Regulation: Draft proposed regulation section 1971.1 of title 13, CCR.
- Summary Guide of the Draft Proposed Regulation: A guide to understanding the draft proposed heavy-duty OBD regulation, intended to provide a brief description of the various elements of the proposed regulation and some background information, rationale, and examples to better understand the regulation.
- Draft Proposed Amendments to Service Information Regulation: Draft amendments to the service information regulation, section 1969 of title 13, CCR.
October 16, 2003 Workshop
- Workshop Presentations: CARB workshop presentations of the proposed regulation.
- Presentation 1: Introduction and summary of main modifications to the draft proposed regulation below.
- Presentation 2: Proposed Monitoring Requirements.
- Presentation 3: Proposed Standardization Requirements.
- Presentation 4: Proposed Testing Requirements.
- Presentation 5: Proposed Certification Requirements and Enforcement Issues.
- Revised Workshop Notice: Revised notice (Mail-Out #MSC 03-09) indicating the new date (October 16) and room location for the heavy-duty OBD workshop.
- Original Workshop Notice: Original invitation (Mail-Out #MSC 03-07) to the public and industry to discuss the proposed heavy-duty OBD regulation. This notice indicates the old date (August 13) for the workshop.
- Request form: Form indicating how to obtain hard copies of the draft staff report and regulation.
- Draft Preliminary Staff Report: Descriptions of the proposed requirements in the regulation.
- Draft Heavy-Duty OBD Regulation: Draft proposed regulatory language.
The regulatory documents for this 2005 OBD rulemaking update can also be found on the official CARB regulatory website.
2004 Engine Manufacturer Diagnostic (EMD) Regulatory Documents (Board Hearing: May 20, 2004)
OAL-Approved Final Regulation Order for EMD Regulation
OAL approved the rulemaking and filed it with the Secretary of State on December 27, 2004, and the regulation became effective on December 30, 2004.
Final Statement of Reasons Package
- Final Statement of Reasons: Summary of the adopted regulation and each objection and recommendation made by the public during the 45-Day and 15-Day comment periods.
- Updated Informative Digest: Summary of the regulation and the rulemaking process.
15-Day Notice Package
- Notice of Public Availability of Modified Text: The 15-Day Notice summarizing the changes to the regulation.
- Attachment I: Resolution 04-16 (adopted at hearing): Resolution by the Board on 5/20/04 adopting the modifications to the regulation.
- Attachment A: Proposed EMD Regulation section 1971: The originally proposed regulation that was made available with the Staff Report.
- Attachment B: Staff's Modifications to Proposed Regulations: The regulation with CARB's changes that was made available during the Board Hearing.
May 20, 2004 Board Hearing Regulatory Documents
- Staff's Suggested Modifications to Proposed Regulation: CARB's changes to the proposed regulation since its initial publication in response to public comments. This document includes the strikeout/underline format to identify changes from the proposed regulation made available to the public prior to the Board Hearing (and available below). This document was also made available at the Board Hearing.
- Board Presentation: CARB Board Hearing presentation of the proposed regulation.
- Public Hearing Notice: Invitation to public and industry to discuss the proposed regulation.
- Staff Report: Initial Statement of Reasons (ISOR): Descriptions of the proposed requirements.
- Proposed EMD Regulation section 1971: The proposed regulation section 1971 of title 13, CCR.
The regulatory documents for this 2004 EMD rulemaking update can also be found on the official CARB regulatory website.