Past OBD II Regulatory Documents
This website contains regulatory documents from past rulemakings for the OBD II regulations (sections 1968.2 and 1968.5, title 13, California Code of Regulations (CCR)). Please note that the regulation orders found here are not the most updated. For the latest official versions of the OBD II regulations, please see the Barclays Official California Code of Regulations at
2012 OBD II Regulatory Documents (Board Hearing: August 23, 2012)
Amendments to the OBD II and HD OBD regulations and associated OBD enforcement regulations (sections 1968.2, 1968.5, 1971.1, and 1971.5 of title 13, California Code of Regulations) were proposed at the August 23, 2012 Board Hearing and approved by the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) on July 31, 2013. The regulatory documents related to this rulemaking can be found on the Past Heavy-Duty OBD Regulations and Rulemaking webpage.
2012 OBD II Regulatory Documents (Board Hearing: January 26-27, 2012)
Minor amendments to the OBD II and associated enforcement regulations (sections 1968.2 and 1968.5, title 13, California Code of Regulations) were proposed with the Low Emission Vehicle III (LEV III) and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) rulemaking package at the January 26-27, 2012 Board Hearing and approved by OAL on August 7, 2012. The regulatory documents related to this rulemaking can be found on the LEV III and GHG regulatory website. For reference, details of these OBD II amendments (with strike-outs and underlines) can be found on pages 118-135 of the Final Regulation Order.
2009 Heavy-Duty and OBD II Regulatory Documents (Board Hearing: May 28, 2009)
Amendments to the OBD II and HD OBD regulations and associated HD OBD enforcement regulations (sections 1968.2, 1971.1, and 1971.5 of title 13, California Code of Regulations) were proposed at the May 28, 2009 Board Hearing and approved by OAL on May 18, 2010. The regulatory documents related to this rulemaking can be found on the Past Heavy-Duty OBD Regulatory Documents webpage.
2006 OBD II Regulatory Documents (Board Hearing: September 28, 2006)
OAL-Approved Final Regulation Orders for OBD II and Emission Warranty Regulations: approved on November 9, 2007
- Section 1968.2 of Title 13, CCR
- "Clean" version (no strike-outs and underlines)
- "Track changes" version (additions indicated by underline, deletions indicated by strikeout)
- Section 1968.5 of Title 13, CCR
- "Clean" version (no strike-outs and underlines)
- "Track changes" version (additions indicated by underline, deletions indicated by strikeout)
- Sections 2035, 2037, and 2038 of Title 13, CCR
- "Clean" version (no strike-outs and underlines)
- "Track changes" version (additions indicated by underline, deletions indicated by strikeout)
- Memo to OAL (dated October 17, 2007): Memo detailing OAL's reasons for not approving the rulemaking package submitted on August 10, 2007, and including CARB's request for an expeditious review and early effective date for the resubmitted regulation orders above. The regulation orders were subsequently approved by OAL on November 9, 2007.
Final Statement of Reasons Package
Documents that are part of the final rulemaking package for the OBD II and emission warranty regulations that was filed with OAL on August 10, 2007. The final OAL-approved final regulation orders can be found above.
- Final Statement of Reasons: Summary of the adopted changes to the regulations and each objection and recommendation made by the public during the 45-Day and 15-Day comment periods.
- Updated Informative Digest: Summary of the amendments to the regulations and the rulemaking process.
2nd 15-Day Notice: July 23, 2007
- Second Notice of Public Availability of Modified Text: The 2nd 15-Day Notice that includes a summary of the Board's action, a list of the second set of additional changes made to the original proposed amendments to the regulations, availability information of the attachment, and relevant dates.
- Attachment I: Modified text of OBD II regulations: Document using the highlighted double strikeout/underline format to identify the second set of additional changes to the original proposed amendments to the regulations made available to the public prior to the Board Hearing.
1st 15-Day Notice Package: May 22, 2007
- Notice of Public Availability of Modified Text: The 15-Day Notice that includes a summary of the Board's action, a list of the additional changes made to the original proposed amendments to the regulation, availability information of the attachments, and relevant dates.
- Attachment I: Resolution 06-26 (adopted at hearing): Resolution by the Board on 9/28/06 adopting the modifications to the regulation.
- Attachment A : Proposed amendments to section 1968.2: Available below.
- Attachment B: Proposed amendments to section 1968.5: Available below.
- Attachment C: Proposed amendments to sections 2035, 2037, and 2038: Available below.
- Attachment D: Staff's suggested modifications to proposed regulations: Available below.
- Attachment II: Modified Text of the OBD II Regulations: Document using the double strikeout/underline format to identify additional changes to the original proposed amendments to the regulations made available to the public prior to the Board Hearing.
September 28, 2006 Board Hearing OBD II Regulatory Documents
- Board Hearing Presentation: CARB board hearing presentation of the proposed changes to the regulations.
- Staff's Suggested Modifications to Proposed Regulations: CARB's changes to the proposed regulations (section 1968.2 and 1968.5) since its initial publication in response to public comments. This document contains excerpts of the affected regulatory language and uses the double strikeout/double underline format to identify changes from the proposed amendments made available as part of the ISOR (available below).
- Public Hearing Notice: Invitation to public and industry to discuss proposed changes to the regulations - includes the date, time, location, and a summary of the issues to be covered during the hearing.
- Staff Report: Initial Statement of Reasons (ISOR): Descriptions of the proposed amendments to the regulations.
- Proposed Section 1968.2 of Title 13, CCR: The OBD II regulation incorporating the proposed amendments.
- Proposed Section 1968.5 of Title 13, CCR: The OBD II enforcement regulation incorporating the proposed amendments.
- Proposed Sections 2035, 2037, and 2038 of Title 13, CCR: The emission warranty regulations incorporating the proposed amendments.
November 16, 2005 OBD II Public Workshop Documents
- Workshop Presentations:
- CARB Presentation 1: Presentation detailing changes to gasoline monitoring requirements, testing requirements, enforcement regulation, and emission warranty regulation, among other things.
- CARB Presentation 2: Presentation detailing changes to diesel monitoring requirements.
- Workshop Notice: Invitation to the public and industry to discuss proposed changes to the regulations - indicates the date, time, location, and a summary of the issues to be covered during the workshop.
- Draft OBD II Regulation: Draft regulatory language of the OBD II regulation incorporating theÏproposed amendments released November 3, 2005.
- Draft Emission Warranty Regulation: Draft regulatory language of the emission warranty regulations incorporating the proposed amendments.
The regulatory documents for this 2006 OBD rulemaking update can also be found on the official CARB regulatory website.
2002 OBD II Regulatory Documents (Board Hearing: April 25, 2002)
OAL-Approved Final Regulation Orders for OBD II Regulations: approved on April 21, 2003
OAL approved the rulemaking and filed it with the Secretary of State on April 21, 2003, and the regulations became effective the same day.
Final Statement of Reasons Package
- Final Statement of Reasons: Summary of the adopted changes and agency responses to each objection and recommendation made by the public during the 2002 45-Day and 15-Day comment periods.
- Updated Informative Digest: Summary of the regulations and the 2002 rulemaking process.
- Executive Order: Used when the Board approves the regulations with the 15-Day changes.
- Request for an Early Effective Date: Request and explanation of good cause for an early date for the regulations to become effective.
2nd 15-Day Notice Package
- Second Notice of Public Availability of Modified Text: The Second 15-Day notice summarizing the second of modifications made to the staff's original proposed OBD II regulations.
- Request Form for Attachment I: Form indicating how to obtain a hard copy of Attachment I of the Second 15-Day Notice.
- Attachment I: Proposed Second 15-Day Modifications to Sections 1968.2 and 1968.5, title 13, CCR: Document including excerpts of those sections of the regulations affected by the modifications being proposed with this notice, as well as explanations for these modifications. The second set of modifications are denoted by the double strikeout/underline format.
1st 15-Day Notice Package
- Notice of Public Availability of Modified Text: The 15-Day notice summarizing the first set of modifications made to the staff's original proposed OBD II regulations.
- Request Form for Attachments I through IV: Form indicating how to obtain hard copies of Attachments I through IV of the 15-Day Notice.
- Attachment I: Resolution 02-17 (adopted at hearing): Resolution by the Board on 4/25/02 adopting the modifications to the regulations.
- Attachment A: Staff Report and Proposed Regulations: Available below.
- Attachment B: Staff's Suggested Modifications to Proposed Regulations: Available below.
- Attachment II: Modified Text of Proposed Section 1968.2: The proposed regulation using the strikeout/underline format to identify changes from the original proposed regulation made available to the public prior to the Board Hearing.
- Attachment III: Modified Text of Proposed Section 1968.5: The proposed regulation using the strikeout/underline format to identify changes from the original proposed regulation made available to the public prior to the Board Hearing.
- Attachment IV: Rationale of Modifications to Proposed Sections 1968.2 and 1968.5: Document that includes summarizations of and explanations for the modifications made to the original proposed regulations made available to the public prior to the Board Hearing.
April 25, 2002 Board Hearing OBD II Regulatory Documents
- Staff's Suggested Modifications to Proposed Regulations: CARB's changes to the proposed regulations since their initial publication in response to public comments. This document uses the strikeout/underline format to identify changes from the proposed regulations made available to the public prior to the Board Hearing (and available below). This package was also made available at the Board Hearing.
- Board Hearing Presentation: CARB board hearing presentation of the proposed changes to the regulation.
- 45-Day Public Hearing Notice: Invitation to public and industry to discuss proposed changes to the regulation.
- Staff Report: Initial Statement of Reasons (ISOR): Descriptions of the proposed regulations.
- Proposed OBD II Regulation section 1968.2: The proposed regulation section 1968.2 of title 13, CCR.
- Proposed OBD II Enforcement Regulation section 1968.5: The proposed enforcement regulation section 1968.5 of title 13, CCR.
OBD II Workshop: July 18, 2001
- CARB Workshop Presentation
- Workshop Notice: Invitation to the public and industry to discuss proposed changes to the regulation.
- Preliminary Draft Staff Report: Descriptions of the proposed amendments to the regulation.
- Draft OBD II Regulations Sections 1968.2 and 1968.5 of Title 13, CCR: Draft regulatory language incorporating the proposed amendments.
OBD II Workshop: June 30, 1999
Workshop Notice and Supporting Regulatory Documents: CARB held a workshop on June 30, 1999 to discuss proposed amendments to the OBD II regulation, section 1968.1 of title 13, California Code of Regulations. These amendments were never presented to the Board for adoption. However, many of those amendments were again proposed during the 2001 public workshop with the proposed adoption of section 1968.2.
The regulatory documents for this 2002 OBD rulemaking update can also be found on the official CARB regulatory website.
1996 Regulatory Documents (Board Hearing: December 12, 1996)
OAL-Approved Final Regulation Order for OBD II Regulation, Section 1968.1 of Title 13, CCR: approved on September 25, 1997
- "Clean" version (no strikeouts and underlines)
- "Track changes" version (additions indicated by underline, deletions indicated by strikeout)
Final Statement of Reasons Package
- Final Statement of Reasons: Summary of adopted changes and agency responses to questions during the 1996 rulemaking process.
- Updated Informative Digest: Chronological summary of the 1996 rulemaking process.
15-Day Notices
- Second 15-day notice (July 10, 1997)
- First 15-day notice (February 3, 1997)
December 12, 1996 Board Hearing Documents
- Resolution 96-60 (adopted at hearing): Resolution by the Board on December 12, 1996 adopting the modifications to the OBD II regulation.
- Public Hearing Notice and Staff Report: Initial Statement of Reasons (October 25,1996): Description of the proposed changes to the OBD II regulation and notice of the scheduled Board Hearing on December 12, 1996.
OBD II Workshop: July 24, 1996
- Workshop Notice: Invitation to the public and industry to discuss proposed changes to the OBD II regulation, Section 1968.1 of Title 13, CCR.
The regulatory documents for this 1996 OBD rulemaking udpate can also be found on the official CARB regulatory website.