PERP Regulation and Portable Engine ATCM
PERP Regulation
Portable Engine ATCM
The purpose of the Airborne Toxic Control Measure (ATCM) is to reduce diesel particulate matter (PM) emission from portable diesel-fueled engines having a rated brake horsepower of 50 and greater (≥ 50 bhp). Please review the Portable Diesel Engine ATCM Final Regulation Order.
Fleet Requirements
- All fleets are classified as either a small fleet (cumulative horsepower of up to 750), or a large fleet (cumulative horsepower of over 750).
- Small fleets must follow the tier phase out schedule.
- Large fleets must follow either the phase out schedule, or meet the fleet-average emission standards.
- Notification by June 30, 2019 was required if the fleet average option was desired.
These requirements are described below.
Tier Phase Out Option
Fleet-Averaging Option - Large Fleets Only
Compliance Date | Fleet PM Standard (g/bhp-hr) |
1/1/2023 | 0.06 |
1/1/2027 | 0.03 |
Large fleets that have been approved to follow the fleet average option may use one of the Fleet Reporting Tools below to submit the required statement of compliance due on March 1, 2023.
Be advised that we are providing the reporting tools as a convenience. The fleet manager will be responsible for accuracy and compliance. If you encounter any problems with the reporting tool, or have any questions or comments, please call CARB staff.
Fleet Reporting Tools
Calculators for large fleets only that have been approved to comply with the Fleet Average Option (not required for those following the tier phase out option):
Changes to Large Fleets
The ATCM also requires large fleet owners following the fleet averaging option to ensure the average PM emission level for their fleet does not increase to above the emission standard due to changes in the fleet composition. Large fleets that add or remove engines must re-calculate their fleet average. Other changes, such as modifying a registration to low-use, or emergency-use only, can also affect the fleet emissions average. We strongly recommend that once you have completed the Fleet Reporting Tool, save it and update it each time your portable fleet changes.