The California Air Resources Board (CARB) approved the Airborne Toxic Control Measure (ATCM) limiting school bus idling and idling at or near schools to only when necessary for safety or operational concerns. It has been in effect since July 16, 2003. The program targets school buses, school pupil activity buses, youth buses, paratransit vehicles, transit buses, and heavy-duty commercial motor vehicles that operate at or near schools.
In 2009, Senate Bill 124, Oropeza (SB 124) acknowledged and codified CARB's ATCM limiting school bus idling raising the minimum penalty for a violation of this rule from $100 to $300 and authorizes additional civil penalties. The bill also clarifies local peace officer and air district authority to enforce the state's school bus idling program. SB 124 became effective on January 1, 2010, and the existing regulation was revised to reflect this change.
ATCM rulemaking documents
See CARB's rulemaking documents for CARB's ATCM designed to limit school bus idling and idling at or near schools.
Related programs
The U.S. EPA's Clean School Busis a national program designed to help communities reduce emissions from older diesel school buses. School districts, fleet owners and operators, bus drivers, parents and students all have a role in helping to reduce diesel emissions from school buses.
Enforcement Information
Please contact CARB’s Enforcement Division or contact CARB's hotline 1-800-END-SMOG (1-800-363-7664) for questions about the regulation or exemptions, request a copy of the regulation, or to report a violation.
You may also use any of the following options to report an idling violation:
Call the California Air Resources Board at 1-800-END-SMOG (1-800-363-7664)