Senate Bill 527 - History
In order to comply with the directives of Senate Bill (SB) 527, ARB modified the hearing procedures found under title 17, California Code of Regulations sections 60065.1 et. seq. and 60075.1 et. seq. The amendments to the Administrative Hearing Procedures went into effect in 2003.
Before passage of SB 527 and the adoption of the Air Resources Board's amended hearing procedures, ARB's ability to assess and collect Administrative Penalties was limited to violations of motor vehicle fuels regulations and violations of ARB's Heavy-Duty Vehicle Inspection Program (HDVIP). Senate Bill 527 broadened ARB's authority to impose administrative penalties as an alternative to seeking judicial civil penalties for less serious violations of all other ARB regulations. This page is intended to provide information on this program; it does not provide information regarding civil judicial penalty procedures.
SB 527 states that ARB may impose and assess administrative penalties by modifying the administrative regulations previously used for fuels and the Heavy Duty Vehicle Inspection Program under Title 17 California Code of Regulations (CCR) sections 60065.1 et. seq. and 60075.1 et. seq. ARB staff modified these regulations which the Board approved on December 12, 2002. The regulations went into effect October 9, 2003.