Torrance Refining Co. LLC Settlement
Torrance Refining Company LLC Settles California Reformulated Gasoline Violation For $25,000
In January 2020, Torrance Refining Company LLC (TORC), settled a case with the California Air Resources Board (CARB) for $25,000.00 in penalties, for violating the California Reformulated Gasoline (CaRFG) Regulations as codified in California Code of Regulations (CCR), title 13, § 2250-2273.5 et seq. (13 CCR § 2250-2273.5).
CARB discovered the violation during a routine inspection at the refinery in Torrance, California in July of 2016. A batch of CaRFG exceeded the olefin limit that was reported in its predictive model. Furthermore, the entirety of this noncompliant batch was delivered to various retail stations over the course of one day.
TRC agreed to pay a total of $25,000 for producing CaRFG which failed to conform with the PM flat limit and for selling, offering for sale, supplying, offering for supply, or transporting the fuel (per count penalty of $12,500). Factors that influenced this penalty included TORC’s diligent efforts to comply and to cooperate with CARB’s investigation and their compliance history.
As a preventative effort, TORC implemented corrective actions including testing of samples in duplicates for final blending, as well as retraining lab technicians, reissuing their Certificate of Analysis to their customers, and recertifying their fuel.