White River Marine Group, LLC Settlement
White River Marine Group, LLC Settles For $203,500
In May 2021, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) reached a settlement with White River Marine Group, LLC (WRMG) of Springfield, Missouri, for violations related to manufacturing for sale, advertising, offering for sale, and delivering into California noncertified spark-ignition marine watercraft (SIMW). In 2018, CARB inspected WRMG California dealers, issued Notices of Violation for noncompliant SIMW and missing nonpermanent labels (Hang Tags), and found 40 vessels with noncertified SIMW Evaporative Systems and 7 vessels missing Hang Tags, all of which were offered for sale in violation of California Code of Regulations, title 13, section 2850 (13 CCR § 2850) et seq. and 13 CCR § 2443.3.
WRMG entered into a settlement agreement with CARB and agreed to pay a total penalty amount of $203,500, or $5,000 per unit, for the uncertified vessels. The penalty amount will be fully allocated to CARB’s Air Pollution Control Fund. WRMG fully cooperated with CARB in resolving this matter, took immediate corrective action, completed SIMW Evaporative System certification and received a CARB Executive Order (EO), developed a compliance program, and assisted in the mutual settlement of this case.
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