Question: I just completed the tester training and received my Certificate of Completion. What are my next steps?
Answer: Upon receiving your Tester ID, you can now officially perform compliance tests on applicable heavy-duty vehicles and become a third-party tester either as an independent business owner or as an employee of a heavy-duty vehicle service facility. Note that to perform OBD compliance tests, you must use a CARB-approved OBD test devices.
Also, please note that a non-OBD vehicle compliance test consists of both a smoke opacity test and a visual inspection of the vehicle. You may continue to use your current SAE J1667-compatible smoke meters to complete the required opacity test and use the Vehicle Emissions Control Equipment Inspection Form to conduct a visual inspection.
Question: How do I update my credentialed tester contact information (company name, email address, phone number, etc.)?
Answer: Please reach out to CARB staff and notify us of your requested changes by sending an email request to We will update our internal records to reflect the new information associated with your Credentialed Tester ID. Please allow a couple of business days for the change to take effect in our internal records.
We will also update your contact information on our Available for Hire Credentialed Testers webpage. Please note that these updates happen on a biweekly basis and your information will be updated during the release.
Also, please note that if you want to update your tester account with a NEW email address, you will also need to work with your OBD test device vendor to update your email address with them as well.
Question: What are the vehicle testing requirements for the Clean Truck Check program?
Answer: Currently, vehicle compliance tests are only required if you receive a Notice to Submit to Testing (NST). Upon receiving an NST, a passing vehicle compliance test is required within 30 days of receipt.
Please note that periodic testing requirements will be phased in starting in 2024. This will require nearly all vehicles subject to the program to undergo twice per year testing with results submitted to CARB. On-road agricultural vehicles and California-registered motorhomes only will be required to undergo testing once per year. CARB plans to release more information on the timing of these requirements in July of 2023.