East Oakland
- Community Air Protection Program
- Events
- Community Air Protection Program Resource Center
- AB 617 Consultation Group
- Annual Reporting and Progress Tracking
- Documentos en Español
- CommunityHub 2.0
- Arvin, Lamont
- Bayview Hunters Point/Southeast San Francisco
- Calexico, El Centro, Heber
- East Los Angeles, Boyle Heights, West Commerce
- East Oakland
- Eastern Coachella Valley
- International Border Community
- North Imperial Phase 1
- Portside Environmental Justice Neighborhoods
- Richmond - San Pablo
- San Bernardino, Muscoy
- Shafter
- South Central Fresno
- South Los Angeles
- South Sacramento - Florin
- Southeast Los Angeles
- Stockton
- West Oakland
- Wilmington, Carson, West Long Beach
- Community Recommendations
- Community Air Protection Blueprint
- Community Air Grants
- Environmental Justice Blog
- Community Air Protection Incentives
- Contacts
- Making a Difference in Communities
- Community Support Tools
- Selection year: 2022
- Selected for: Community Emissions Reduction Program
- Air District: Bay Area Air Quality Management
- CARB Community Lead Contact: Julia Luongo
The East Oakland community is home to major goods movement and transportation corridors, as well as air pollution sources associated with industry and the trucking industries. There are 78 schools, 21 senior care facilities, 44 daycare facilities, and 55 hospitals or clinics in this area, all of which are sensitive receptors to air pollution. Neighborhoods that will likely be included in this community include Melrose, Highland-Elmhurst, Sobrante Park, Brookfield Village-Columbia Gardens, Stonehurst, and Coliseum-Rudsdale-Lockwood-Havenscourt.
Residents of East Oakland have been advocating for the Bay Area AQMD to nominate their community since the inception of the AB 617 program. During the August 12, 2021, AB 617 Public Workshop , the Bay Area AQMD nominated the East Oakland Community in Alameda County for the AB 617 program. In 2018, the Bay Area AQMD included East Oakland in its list of future years nominations. Data shows residents of this community have lower life expectancies and higher mortality rates from lung diseases due to constant exposure to air pollution . This community has a higher rate of asthma emergency room visits and cardiovascular disease than most of California. It also has some of the highest unemployment and housing cost burdens and some of the lowest educational attainment and life expectancy in the State.
This community is actively developing their local Community Steering Committee; check back for further updates.
Community Engagement
There have been decades of leadership and community capacity building, interneighborhood coalitions, and collaborations among East Oakland community members. The East Oakland Neighborhoods Initiative34 is one such partnership between the City of Oakland Planning Bureau and twelve community-based organizations. This initiative aims to reach out to community members to identify their primary concerns, goals, and priorities for East Oakland and share the findings with residents and stakeholders. In addition to being a priority community for Bay Area AQMD, East Oakland also has community support from other organizations including Communities for a Better Environment, New Voices are Rising, and Alameda Public Health.