Workshop - Triennial Research Plan A public meeting to consider draft initiatives for the CARB 2018-2021 Triennial Strategic Research Plan Categories Topics Research Programs Research Planning Type Notice Contact Research Division Email Phone (916) 445-0753 DATE: January 26, 2018TIME: 10:00 a.m.LOCATION: California Environmental Protection Agency, Sierra Hearing Room, 2nd Floor, 1001 I Street, Sacramento, California 95814Watch the recorded webcast video.During the workshop, CARB staff will provide a summary of the draft research initiatives for the 2018-2021 Triennial Strategic Research Plan, followed by an open discussion for public comment and feedback.View public comments from February 21, 2018 (comments are now closed)The Workshop Agenda and Presentation slides are provided below. Documents Triennial Research Plan Workshop Notice RESEARCH_PLAN_WORKSHOP_NOTICE_FINAL.PDF · 103 KB Triennial Research Planning Workshop Agenda RESEARCH_PLAN_WORKSHOP_AGENDA -01262018.PDF · 369 KB Triennial Research Planning Workshop Presentation slides SLIDES_CARB_TRIENNIAL_RESEARCH_PLAN_01262018.PDF · 1.455 MB Related Resources Empowering Vulnerable Communities with Low-Cost Sensors and Air Filtration Devices Quantifying health benefits, ecosystem service benefits, and other impacts of California’s urban green spaces Exposure and health impacts of non-exhaust particles in a region with vulnerable communities exposed to higher traffic emissions