Community Engagement Model Public Comment

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is working to advance racial equity, address environmental justice, and meaningfully engage with communities.  We are committed to this engagement throughout our programs and regulations to foster trust, build strong relationships, and better protect the health of all Californians. Strong relationships with community members are essential to achieve more equitable outcomes regarding better air quality and public health throughout California.

CARB is developing a Community Engagement Model in collaboration with communities to help staff create and implement robust engagement plans. Staff will rely on the model for their projects, policies, programs, and regulations. You can help shape the model to reflect your expertise and experience. 

You can provide written recommendations on the Draft Community Engagement Model, using this public comment docket.

Comments can also be provided by email or in person at a dialogue session near you. All meetings are open to the public and we encourage broad participation. If you are unable to join us at one of the in-person events, there are two virtual sessions to provide your recommendations. Please check the Community Engagement Model  website for updates. Public outreach updates will be sent out via our electronic listserv. To subscribe, please  enroll under the topic of Environmental Justice Stakeholders Group.

En Español

La Junta de Recursos del Aire de California (CARB, por sus siglas en inglés) está trabajando para promover la equidad racial, abordar la justicia ambiental y comprometerse de manera significativa con las comunidades.  Estamos comprometidos con este compromiso a través de nuestros programas y regulaciones para fomentar la confianza, construir relaciones sólidas y proteger mejor la salud de todos los californianos. Las relaciones sólidas con los miembros de la comunidad son esenciales para lograr resultados más equitativos con respecto a una mejor calidad del aire y la salud pública en todo California.

CARB está desarrollando un Modelo de Participación Comunitaria en colaboración con las comunidades para ayudar al personal a crear e implementar planes de participación sólidos. El personal se basará en el modelo para sus proyectos, políticas, programas y reglamentos. Puede ayudar a dar forma al modelo para que refleje sus conocimientos y experiencia. 

Puede proporcionar recomendaciones por escrito sobre el Borrador del Modelo de Participación Comunitaria, utilizando este expediente de comentarios públicos.

Los comentarios también se pueden proporcionar por correo electrónico o en persona en una sesión de diálogo cerca de usted. Todas las reuniones están abiertas al público y animamos una amplia participación. Si no puede participar en uno de los eventos en persona, hay dos sesiones virtuales para brindar sus recomendaciones. Consulte el sitio web del Modelo de Participación Comunitaria  para obtener actualizaciones. Las actualizaciones de divulgación pública se enviarán a través de nuestra lista de correo electrónico. Para suscribirse, por favor inscríbase en el tema del Grupo de Partes Interesadas en Justicia Ambiental.

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Electrify America’s Cycle 4 ZEV Investment Plan

The California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) has received a draft of the fourth 30‑month Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Investment Plan (Cycle 4 Plan) from Volkswagen (VW) subsidiary Electrify America. The draft Cycle 4 Plan is required by California’s partial settlement with VW resulting from its use of illegal defeat devices in its 2.0‑liter (2.0L) diesel cars sold in California. The draft Cycle 4 Plan describes how Electrify America proposes to spend the fourth and final $200 million of its $800 million California ZEV Investment Commitment.

The draft Cycle 4 Plan proposes that the final $200 million California ZEV investment be spent as follows:

  • Approximately $172 million on fueling infrastructure,
  • $8 million for education, awareness, access and marketing activities, and
  • $20 million for allowable overhead expenses.

CARB has initiated its review of the draft Cycle 4 Plan and invites public comment on whether it meets the terms and goals of the 2.0L Partial Consent Decree. To be considered by the Board, written comments not submitted at the meeting must be received no later than 5:00 p.m., November 7, 2023.

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California Public Workshop: Potential Amendments to the Cap-and-Trade Regulation

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) invites interested parties to submit comments and participate in a public workshop on potential updates to the California Cap-and-Trade Program. The Cap-and-Trade Regulation establishes a declining limit on major sources of GHG emissions throughout California, and it creates a powerful economic incentive for significant investment in cleaner, more efficient technologies. The regulation is one of the measures adopted by CARB, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 38500-38599 (AB 32) to reduce California’s greenhouse gas emissions and advance the State’s climate goals.

This workshop is on potential updates to the California Cap-and-Trade Program. CARB staff will present on allowance budget scenarios and concepts related to the overall distribution of allowances, including EDU allocation and post-2030 budgets. CARB staff will also present on topics relevant to treatment and reporting of electricity imports, biogenic emissions, and limited emissions exemptions.

To receive an email confirmation of your comment submission please replace "" with your email in the "Email Notification" box at the bottom of the form. 

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Comment Log for Advanced Clean Cars II Amendments - November Workshop

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) invites interested parties to submit comments on potential updates to the Advanced Clean Cars regulations. Staff will present initial topics at a public workshop on November 15. The presentation materials will be available after the workshop on the Advanced Clean Cars website. The presentation covers concepts for regulatory updates to CARB’s low-emission vehicle (LEV) greenhouse gas (GHG) emission standards for model years beyond 2025; coordination between California’s LEV IV and the proposed federal Tier 4 program for light- and medium-duty vehicle criteria air pollutant requirements; and emerging topics and implementation updates related to CARB’s zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) regulation. Staff will consider comments received at the workshop and on this comment docket in further developing regulatory proposals to be presented at future workshops and outreach events. This docket will open for public comment on November 15, 2023.

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SB 1075 Report: Hydrogen Deployment, Development, and Use Kickoff Workshop

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Public Comment on the Request for Information for California Senate Bill 1206 Assessment Report

Request for Information (RFI): Senate Bill (SB) 1206 Assessment Report

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) invites all interested parties to submit comments in response to an RFI regarding SB 1206. SB 1206 directs CARB to publish an assessment by January 1, 2025, specifying how to transition the state’s economy, by sector, away from hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and to ultra-low global warming potential (GWP) or no-GWP alternatives no later than 2035. The RFI document is available here.

Please identify the question(s) you are responding to by question number when submitting your comments. All comments will be publicly accessible via this docket to support an inclusive and transparent process. Please contact the HFC team if you have any questions or concerns:

The comment period for the RFI is closed, you can view the comments CARB received here


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Submit Comments on Senate Bill 350 Integrated Resource Planning Electricity Sector Greenhouse Gas Planning Targets: Draft 2023 Update

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Public Comments for the First Public Workshop on California’s Approach Under U.S. EPA's Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Program

The California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) invite you to offer written comments after our First Public Workshop on California’s Approach under U.S. EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) Program. At this workshop, CalEPA, CARB and several other State agencies discussed California’s ongoing work under the CPRG Program, in which the State will deliver to U.S. EPA three climate plans over four years. Several State agencies highlighted existing climate plans, actions, and priorities that will greatly inform California's CPRG deliverables. All Interested stakeholders are invited to submit written comments to help us best use federal funding opportunities to maximize emissions reductions and bring lasting benefits to all Californians.

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LCFS Innovative Crude Oil Public Comments

This is a comment submission form for Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) innovative crude oil applications that require public comments. Please note that your comments, attachments, and associated contact information (e.g., address, phone, email, etc.) become part of the viewable public record. Additionally, this information may become available via search engines.

For Innovative Crude Oil:

  1. View the application package by selecting the Application Name.
  2. In the comment Subject line, please include the application name. For example, "Comments for XXX Solar Electricity Project". 

For each posted item, comments are due at 5 PM Pacific Time on the deadline shown.

(This form will remain open for the "Comment Deadline" period shown below).

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California Public Workshop: Potential Amendments to the Cap-and-Trade Regulation

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) invites interested parties to submit comments and participate in a public workshop on potential updates to the California Cap-and-Trade Program. The Cap-and-Trade Regulation establishes a declining limit on major sources of GHG emissions throughout California, and it creates a powerful economic incentive for significant investment in cleaner, more efficient technologies. The regulation is one of the measures adopted by CARB, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 38500-38599 (AB 32) to reduce California’s greenhouse gas emissions and advance the State’s climate goals.

This workshop is on potential updates to the California Cap-and-Trade Program. CARB staff will present on allowance budget scenarios and concepts related to the overall distribution of allowances, including industrial allowance allocation and the use of allowance value by natural gas suppliers and electrical distribution utilities.

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