Verification Procedure: Stationary
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The current verified technologies are listed below. Read the verification letter(s) below which provide additional information on the applicability of the device for your particular engine. Below each system is a list of engine families for which devices have been approved (engine series names are provided for reference in most cases). For more detailed information or to purchase the device, contact the device manufacturer directly. New information will be posted as additional systems are verified.
Note: Prior versions of Executive Orders are available upon request.
Level 3 - 85 Percent or Greater Reduction in Particulate Matter
Catalytic Exhaust Products
CARB has verified the Catalytic Exhaust Products Ltd. Dieselytic SXS-SC diesel particulate filter (DPF) as a Level 3 Plus device for Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 certified off-road engines used in stationary prime and emergency standby generators and pumps. The Dieselytic SXS-SC DPF reduces diesel particulate matter by 85 percent or greater and does not increase nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions beyond the 2009 limit of 20 percent of the baseline oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions. This verification is subject to the terms and conditions specified below and only for use with engines listed in the engine family list. Since there may be significant variations from application to application, Catalytic Exhaust Products Ltd. must review actual operating conditions (duty cycle, baseline emissions, exhaust temperature profiles, and engine backpressure) prior to retrofitting an engine with a Dieselytic SXS-SC DPF to ensure compatibility.
Engines must meet the following operating criteria
Parameter | Value |
Application | Stationary Prime and E/S Power Generation and Prime and E/S Pumping |
Engine Type | Diesel, with or without turbocharger, without Exhaust-Gas Recirculation (EGR), mechanically or electronically controlled, certified off-road engines meeting 0.2 g/bhp-hr diesel PM or less based on certification or in-use emission testing. |
Minimum Exhaust Temperature for Filter Regeneration | The engine must operate at the load level required to achieve 400 degrees Celsius (°C) for a minimum of 30 minutes. Operation at lower temperatures is allowed, but only for a limited duration. |
Maximum Consecutive Minutes Operating Below Passive Regeneration Temperature | 300 minutes |
Number of Cold Start and 30 Minute Idle Sessions before Regeneration Required | 10 |
Number of Hours of Operation Before Cleaning of Filter Required | 2,000 when using diesel fuel with <15 ppm sulfur. |
Fuel | California diesel fuel with less than or equal to 15 ppm sulfur or a biodiesel blend provided that the biodiesel portion of the blend complies with ASTM D6751, the diesel portion of the blend complies with Title 13 (CCR), sections 2281 and 2282 and the blend contains no more than 20 percent biodiesel by volume. |
PM Verification Level | Level 3 Plus Verification:
- December 22, 2008: Executive Order DE-08-005 | Engine Family List | Verification Letter
Clariant Corporation
CARB has verified the Clariant Corporation EnviCat®-DPF diesel particulate filter as a Level 3 Plus device for Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 certified off-road engines used in stationary prime and emergency standby power generators and pumps. The Clariant Corporation EnviCat®-DPF reduces diesel particulate matter by 85 percent or greater and does not increase nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions beyond the 2009 limit of 20 percent of the baseline oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions. This verification is subject to the terms and conditions specified below and only for use with engines listed in the engine family list. Since there may be significant variations from application to application, Clariant Corporation must review actual operating conditions (duty cycle, baseline emissions, exhaust gas temperature profiles, and engine backpressure) prior to retrofitting an engine with a Clariant Corporation EnviCat®-DPF to ensure compatibility.
Engines must meet the following operating criteria
Parameter | Value |
Application | Stationary Prime and Emergency Standby Power Generation and Stationary Prime and Emergency Standby Pumping |
Engine Type | Diesel, with or without turbocharger, without Exhaust-Gas Recirculation (EGR), mechanically or electronically controlled, certified off-road engines meeting 0.2 g/bhp-hr diesel PM or less bassed on certification or in-use emissions testing. |
Minimum Exhaust Temperature for Filter Regeneration | The engine must operate at the load level required to achieve 400 degrees Celsius (°C) for a minimum of 30 minutes. Operation at lower temperatures is allowed, but only for a limited duration, as specified below. |
Maximum Consecutive Minutes Operating Below Passive Regeneration Temperature | 300 Minutes |
Number of Cold Start and 30 Minute Idle Sessions before Regeneration Required | 10 |
Number of Hours of Operation Before Cleaning of Filter Required | 2,000 when using diesel with <15 ppm sulfur. |
Fuel | California diesel fuel with less than or equal to 15 ppm sulfur or a biodiesel blend provided that the biodiesel portion of the blend complies with ASTM D6751, the diesel portion of the blend complies with Title 13 (CCR), sections 2281 and 2282 and the blend contains no more than 20 percent biodiesel by volume. |
PM Verification Level | Level 3 Plus Verification: At least 85% reduction of PM and meets January 2009 NO2 limit. |
- August 8, 2013: Executive Order DE-06-003-04 | Engine Family List
Cummins Pacific, LLC
CARB has verified the Cummins Pacific eMission DPF as a Level 3 (reduces emissions of diesel particulate matter (PM) by 85 percent or greater) diesel emission control device for use on diesel engines used in a stationary application associated with emergency standby generators. CARB has designated the stationary diesel engine verification of the eMission DPF as a Plus system meeting the requirements of section 2702(f) limiting the nitrogen dioxide (NO2) increase to 20% of the baseline nitrogen oxides (NOx). The eMission DPF is verified for diesel engines certified to Tier 2 with a displacement from 23 to 78 liters and emitting PM at a rate of 0.15 g/bhp-hr or less, subject to the terms and conditions specified below and in the engine family list. For complete information please view the verification letter and engine family list below.
Engines must meet the following operating criteria
Parameter | Value |
Application | Stationary Emergency Power Generation |
Size Range | Diesel engines between 23 and 78 liters |
Engine Type | Diesel, with or without turbocharger, without EGR, Tier 2, certified to 0.15 g/bhp-hr or less of PM. |
Minimum Exhaust Temperature for Filter Regeneration | NA. Active regeneration with electronically heated exhaust. |
Maximum Consecutive Minutes Operating Below Passive Regeneration Temperature | NA |
Number of Cold Start and Idle Sessions before Regeneration Required | NA |
Number of Hours of Operation Before Cleaning of Filter Required | Application Specific. 5500 Hours Typical. |
Fuel | California diesel fuel with less than or equal to 15 ppm sulfur or a biodiesel blend provided that the biodiesel portion of the blend complies with ASTM D6751, the diesel portion of the blend complies with Title 13 (CCR), sections 2281 and 2282, and the blend contains no more than 20% biodiesel by volume |
PM Verification Level | Level 3 Plus Verification:
- May 10, 2022 - Executive Order DE-16-001-03 | Engine Family List | Label
DCL International
CARB has verified the DCL International Inc. MINE-X SOOTFILTER® diesel particulate filter (DPF) reduces emissions of diesel particulate matter (PM) by 85 percent or greater for use on stationary prime and emergency standby generators, pumps, and compressors. The MINE-X SOOTFILTER® also meets the January 2009 NO2 limit and is therefore verified as a Level 3 Plus diesel emission control device when used on diesel engines certified to Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4i with a rated horse power between 50 and 75 or over 750, or Tier 4 Alt 20% NOx and PM with a PM emission rate of 0.15 g/bhp-hr or less, subject to the terms and conditions specified below with engines listed in the engine family list. For complete information please view the verification letter, Executive Order, and engine family list.
Engines must meet the following operating criteria
Parameter | Value |
Application | Stationary Prime and Emergency Standby Power Generation , Pumps and Compressors |
Engine Type | Diesel, with or without turbocharger, without Exhaust-Gas Recirculation (EGR), mechanically or electronically controlled, Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4i with a rated horse power between 50 and 75 or over 750, or Tier 4 Alt 20% NOx and PM off-road engines certified to a particulate matter (PM) emission limit of less than or equal to 0.15 g/bhp-hr. |
Minimum Exhaust Temperature for Filter Regeneration | The engine must operate at the load level required to achieve 350°C for a minimum of 30% of the engine's operating time. Operation at a lower temperature is allowed, but only for a limited duration. |
Maximum Consecutive Minutes Operating Below Passive Regeneration Temperature | 240 minutes |
Number of Consecutive Cold Starts and 15 Minute Idle Sessions Before Regeneration Required | 16 |
Number of Hours of Operation Before Cleaning of Filter Required | 1,000 when using Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (<15 ppm Sulfur) |
Fuel | California diesel fuel with less than or equal to 15 ppm sulfur or a biodiesel blend provided that the biodiesel portion of the blend complies with International ASTM D6751 (15 ppm sulfur), the diesel portion of the blend complies with title 13, CCR, sections 2281 and 2282, and the blend contains no more than 20 percent biodiesel by volume. |
PM Verification Level | Level 3 Plus Verification:
- October 24, 2014: Executive Order DE-08-002-05 | Engine Family List | Verification Letter
Global Emissions Systems
CARB has verified the Global Emissions Systems, Inc. (GESi) 6000DPF Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) System as a Level 3 Plus device for Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 certified off-road engines used in stationary prime and emergency standby generators and pumps. The GESi 6000DPF System reduces diesel particulate matter by 85 percent or greater and does not increase nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions beyond the 2009 limit of 20 percent of the baseline oxides of nitrogen (NOX) emissions. This verification is subject to the terms and conditions specified below and only for use with engines listed in the engine family list (Attachment 1). Since there may be significant variations from application to application, GESi must review actual operating conditions (duty cycle, baseline emissions, exhaust temperature profiles, and engine backpressure) prior to retrofitting an engine with a 6000DPF System to ensure compatibility.
Engines must meet the following operating criteria
Parameter | Value |
Application | Stationary Prime and Emergency Standby Power Generation and Stationary Prime and Emergency Standby Pumping |
Engine Type | Diesel, with or without turbocharger, without Exhaust-Gas Recirculation (EGR), mechanically or electronically controlled, certified off-road engines meeting 0.2 g/bhp-hr diesel PM or less based on certification or in-use emission testing. |
Minimum Exhaust Temperature for Filter Regeneration | The engine must operate at the load level required to achieve 400 degrees Celsius (°C) for a minimum of 30 minutes. Operation at lower temperatures is allowed, but only for a limited duration, as specified below. |
Maximum Consecutive Minutes Operating Below Passive Regeneration Temperature | 300 Minutes |
Number of Cold Start and 30 Minute Idle Sessions before Regeneration Required | 10 |
Number of Hours of Operation Before Cleaning of Filter Required | 2,000 when using diesel with <15 ppm sulfur. |
Fuel | California diesel fuel with less than or equal to 15 ppm sulfur or a biodiesel blend provided that the biodiesel portion of the blend complies with ASTM International D6751 (15 ppm sulfur), the diesel portion of the blend complies with CCR, title 13, sections 2281 and 2282 and the blend contains no more than 20 percent biodiesel by volume. |
PM Verification Level | Level 3 Plus Verification:
- June 30, 2011: Executive Order DE-11-002 | Engine Family List | Verification Letter | Label
GT Exhaust
CARB has verified GT Exhaust's GTE Purity diesel particulate filter (DPF) System as a Level 3 Plus device for Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4i with a rated horse power between 50 and 75 or over 750, or Tier 4 Alt 20% NOx and PM nonroad or stationary engines used in stationary prime and emergency standby generators and pumps. The GTE Purity DPF System reduces diesel particulate matter by 85 percent or greater and does not increase nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions beyond the 2009 limit of 20 percent of the baseline oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions. This verification is subject to the terms and conditions specified below and only for use with engines listed in the engine family list. Since there may be significant variations from application to application, GT Exhaust must review actual operating conditions (duty cycle, baseline emissions, exhaust temperature profiles, and engine backpressure) prior to retrofitting an engine with a GTE Purity DPF System to ensure compatibility.
Engines must meet the following operating criteria
Parameter | Value |
Application | Stationary Prime and Emergency Standby Power Generation and Stationary Prime and Emergency Standby Pumping |
Engine Type | Diesel, with or without turbocharger, without Exhaust-Gas Recirculation (EGR), mechanically or electronically controlled, certified off-road engines meeting 0.2 g/bhp-hr diesel PM or less based on certification or in-use emission testing. |
Minimum Exhaust Temperature for Filter Regeneration | The engine must operate at the load level required to achieve 400 degrees Celsius (°C) for a minimum of 30 minutes. Operation at lower temperatures is allowed, but only for a limited duration, as specified below. |
Maximum Consecutive Minutes Operating Below Passive Regeneration Temperature | 300 Minutes |
Number of Cold Start and 30 Minute Idle Sessions before Regeneration Required | 10 |
Number of Hours of Operation Before Cleaning of Filter Required | 2,000 when using diesel with <15 ppm sulfur. |
Fuel | California diesel fuel with less than or equal to 15 ppm sulfur or a biodiesel blend provided that the biodiesel portion of the blend complies with ASTM International D6751 (15 ppm sulfur), the diesel portion of the blend complies with CCR, title 13, sections 2281 and 2282 and the blend contains no more than 20 percent biodiesel by volume. |
PM Verification Level | Level 3 Plus Verification:
- August 14, 2015: Executive Order DE-09-011-02 | Engine Family List | Label
HUG Engineering USA
CARB has verified the HUG Engineering USA diesel particulate filter (DPF), combiKat® CBS Particulate Trap, for use on stationary emergency and prime generators and pumps with a PM emission rate of 0.2 g/bhp-hr or less. CARB has designated the stationary diesel engine verification of the HUG Engineering USA combiKat® CBS Particulate Trap as a Plus system meeting the requirements of section 2702(f) limiting the nitrogen dioxide (NO2) increase to 20% of the baseline nitrogen oxides (NOX). Additionally, CARB hereby verifies that the combiKat® CBS Particulate Trap reduces emissions of diesel particulate matter (PM) by 85 percent or greater for use in stationary prime and emergency generators and pumps with a PM emission rate of 0.2 g/bhp-hr or less. The combiKat® CBS Particulate Trap is therefore verified as a Level 3 diesel emission control device for generators emitting PM at a rate of 0.2 g/bhp-hr or less when used on diesel engines certified to Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4i with a rated horse power between 50 and 75 or over 750, or Tier 4 Alt 20% NOx and PM subject to the terms and conditions specified below with engines listed in the Engine Family List. The combiKat® CBS Particulate Trap is manufactured by HUG Engineering. For complete information please view the verification letter and Attachment below.
Engines must meet the following operating criteria
Parameter | Value |
Application | Stationary Emergency Standby and Prime Power Generation and Pumping |
Engine Type | Diesel, with or without turbocharger, certified to 0.2 g/bhp-hr or less of PM |
Minimum Exhaust Temperature for Filter Regeneration | The engine must operate at the load level required to achieve sufficient exhaust temperature for regeneration at the rated PM level of the engine, per Figure 1. Operation at lower temperatures is allowed, but only for a limited duration. Per Figure 1 in the Executive Order, operate in the “Passive Regeneration Okay” side of the graph for at least 30 Minutes. |
Maximum Consecutive Minutes Operating Below Passive Regeneration Temperature | 720 Minutes |
Number of Cold Start and 30 Minute Idle Sessions before Regeneration Required | 24 |
Number of Hours of Operation Before Cleaning of Filter Required | Application Specific per calculations regarding ‘Filter Sizing’. 2000 Hours Typical when using diesel with <15 ppm sulfur. |
Fuel | California diesel fuel with less than or equal to 15 ppm sulfur or a biodiesel blend provided that the biodiesel portion of the blend complies with ASTM D6751, the diesel portion of the blend complies with Title 13 (CCR), sections 2281 and 2282, and the blend contains no more than 20 percent biodiesel by volume. |
Verification Level | Level 3 Plus Verification:
- January 11, 2018: Executive Order DE-15-001-02 | Engine Family List | Verification Letter | Label
Johnson Matthey
CARB has verified the Johnson Matthey CRT+ diesel particulate filter (DPF) for use on stationary prime and emergency/standby generators. The Johnson Matthey CRT+ DPF reduces emissions of diesel particulate matter (PM) by 85 percent or greater and does not increase nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions beyond the 2009 limit of 20 percent of the baseline oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions. The CRT+ DPF is verified for off-road and stationary engines meeting 0.2 grams per brake horsepower hour (g/bhp-hr) diesel PM or less based on certification or in-use emissions testing, and certified to Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4i with a rated horsepower between 50 and 75 or over 750, or Tier 4 Alt 20 percent NOx and PM standards. The CRT+ DPF is subject to the terms and conditions specified below with engines listed in the engine family list. For complete information, please view the verification letter and engine family list. Since there may be significant variations from application to application, Johnson Matthey Inc. must review actual operating conditions (duty cycle, baseline emissions, exhaust temperature profiles, and engine backpressure) prior to retrofitting an engine with a CRT+ DPF to ensure compatibility.
Engines must meet the following operating criteria
Parameter | Value |
Application | Stationary Emergency Standby and Prime Power Generation |
Engine Type | Diesel; with or without turbocharger; without EGR; mechanically or electronically controlled; certified off-road or stationary engines meeting 0.2 g/bhp-hr diesel PM or less based on certification or in-use emissions testing; certified to Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, or Tier 4 Alt 20 percent NOx and PM standards; or certified to Tier 4i standards with a rated horsepower between 50 and 75 or over 750 |
Minimum Exhaust Temperature for Filter Regeneration | The engine must operate at the load level required to achieve 240 degrees Celsius (°C) for a minimum of 40 percent of the engine’s operating time and an oxides of nitrogen (NOx)/PM ratio of 15 @ >=300°C and 20 @ <=300°C. Operation at lower temperatures is allowed, but only for a limited duration as specified below. |
Maximum Consecutive Minutes Operating Below Passive Regeneration Temperature | 720 minutes |
NOx/PM Ratio Requirements | NOx/PM ratio of at least 8 with a preference for 20 or higher. |
Number of Consecutive Cold Starts and 30 Minute Idle Sessions before Regeneration Required | 24 |
Number of Months of Operation Before Cleaning of Filter Required | Filter cleaning is not required till after 150 half-hour cold starts with associated regenerations or 1000 hours of emergency/standby use or 6 to 12 months of prime operation depending on hours of operation, maintenance practice, and oil used. The SootAlert, which monitors engine exhaust back pressure and temperature will determine the actual cleaning interval and provide an alert when filter cleaning is required. |
Fuel | California diesel fuel with less than or equal to 15 ppm sulfur or a biodiesel blend provided that the biodiesel portion of the blend complies with ASTM D6751, the diesel portion of the blend complies with Title 13 (CCR), sections 2281 and 2282, and the blend contains no more than 20 percent biodiesel by volume. Other alternative diesel fuels such as, but not limited to, ethanol diesel blends and water emulsified diesel fuel are excluded from this Executive Order. |
Verification Level | Level 3 Plus Verification:
- December 21, 2022: Executive Order DE-08-009-13 | Engine Family List | Label
CARB has verified the Miratech Corporation diesel particulate filter (DPF), CombiKat® CBS Particulate Trap, for use on stationary emergency and prime generators with a PM emission rate of 0.2 g/bhp-hr or less. CARB has designated the stationary diesel engine verification of the Miratech Emissions Solutions’ combiKat® CBS Particulate Trap as a Plus system meeting the requirements of section 2702(f) limiting the nitrogen dioxide (NO2) increase to 20% of the baseline nitrogen oxides (NOx). Additionally, CARB hereby conditionally verifies that the combiKat® CBS Particulate Trap reduces emissions of diesel particulate matter (PM) by 85 percent or greater for use in stationary prime and emergency pumps with a PM emission rate of 0.2 g/bhp-hr or less. The combiKat® CBS Particulate Trap is therefore verified as a Level 3 diesel emission control device for generators emitting PM at a rate of 0.2 g/bhp-hr or less and conditionally verified as a Level 3 diesel emission control device for pumps with a PM emission rate of 0.2 g/bhp-hr or less when used on diesel engines certified to Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4i with a rated horse power between 50 and 75 or over 750, or Tier 4 Alt 20% NOx and PM, and subject to the terms and conditions specified below in the engine family list. The combiKat® CBS Particulate Trap is manufactured by HUG Engineering for the Miratech Corporation. For complete information please view the verification letter and engine family list below.
Engines must meet the following operating criteria
Parameter | Value |
Application | Stationary Prime and Emergency Power Generation or Pumping |
Engine Type | Diesel, with or without turbocharger, certified to 0.2 g/bhp-hr or less of PM, without Exhaust-Gas Recirculation (EGR). |
Minimum Exhaust Temperature for Filter Regeneration | The engine must operate at the load level required to achieve sufficient exhaust temperature for regeneration at the rated PM level of the engine, per Figure 1 in the verification letter. Operation at lower temperatures is allowed, but only for a limited duration. Per Figure 1, operate in the "Passive Regeneration Okay" side of the graph for at least 30 Minutes. |
Maximum Consecutive Minutes Operating Below Passive Regeneration Temperature | 720 Minutes |
Number of Cold Start and 30 Minute Idle Sessions before Regeneration Required | 24 |
Number of Hours of Operation Before Cleaning of Filter Required | Application Specific. Per calculations provided in the verification letter under 'Filter Sizing'. 2000 Hours Typical. |
Fuel | California diesel fuel with less than or equal to 15 ppm sulfur or a biodiesel blend provided that the biodiesel portion of the blend complies with ASTM D6751, the diesel portion of the blend complies with Title 13 (CCR), sections 2281 and 2282, and the blend contains no more than 20 percent biodiesel by volume. |
PM Verification Level | Level 3 Plus Verification:
- July 18, 2022: Executive Order DE-05-006-14 | Engine Family List | Label
Miratech Group, LLC
Update: Effective December 12, 2023, CARB issued an official notice to Miratech Corporation (Miratech), to Cease and Desist marketing, selling, or installing ALL Miratech LTR DOC/DPF systems (LTR systems) as “CARB-Verified”. Although the governing CARB Executive Order (EO) DE‑14-005-07 previously covered the LTR systems for engines (model years 1996 through 2021), for engine families listed in the EO attachment, that verification is not currently up to date. This notice will remain in effect until Miratech demonstrates to CARB’s satisfaction that its LTR systems fully comply with the requirements specified in the In-Use Compliance Requirements of the Verification Procedure, Warranty, and In-Use Compliance Requirements for In-Use Strategies to Control Emissions from Diesel Engines (Verification Procedures) (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 13, § 2709). Miratech has stated that it plans to seek and complete remedial measures needed to reinstate compliance. CARB staff will work with Miratech in this regard under the process set forth in the Verification Procedures.
CARB has verified the Miratech Group low temperature regeneration diesel oxidation catalyst and particulate filter (DOC/DPF), MIRATECH® LTRTM DOC/DPF, as a Level 3 (reduces emissions of diesel particulate matter (PM) by 85 percent or greater) diesel emission control device for use on diesel engines used in a stationary application associated with emergency standby generators. CARB has designated the stationary diesel engine conditional verification of the MIRATECH® LTRTM DOC/DPF as a Plus system meeting the requirements of section 2702(f) limiting the nitrogen dioxide (NO2) increase to 20% of the baseline nitrogen oxides (NOx). The MIRATECH® LTRTM DOC/DPF is conditionally verified for diesel engines certified to Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4i with a rated horse power between 50 and 75 or over 750, or Tier 4 Alt 20% NOx and PM, and emitting PM at a rate of 0.22 g/bhp-hr or less, subject to the terms and conditions specified below and in the engine family list. For complete information please view the verification letter and engine family list below.
Engines must meet the following operating criteria
Parameter | Value |
Application | Stationary Emergency Power Generation |
Size Range | Diesel engines rated greater than or equal to 50 hp |
Engine Type | Diesel, with or without turbocharger, without EGR, Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 certified to 0.22 g/bhp-hr or less of PM. |
Minimum Exhaust Temperature for Filter Regeneration | 260 degrees Celsius / 500 degrees Fahrenheit. At 550 degrees Fahrenheit, regeneration takes approximately 45 minutes. |
Maximum Consecutive Minutes Operating Below Passive Regeneration Temperature | 720 Minutes |
Number of Cold Start and 40 Minute Idle Sessions before Regeneration Required | 18 |
Number of Hours of Operation Before Cleaning of Filter Required | Application Specific. 2000 Hours Typical. |
Fuel | California diesel fuel with less than or equal to 15 ppm sulfur or a biodiesel blend provided that the biodiesel portion of the blend complies with ASTM D6751, the diesel portion of the blend complies with Title 13 (CCR), sections 2281 and 2282, and the blend contains no more than 20% biodiesel by volume |
PM Verification Level | Level 3 Plus Verification:
- May 25, 2021: Executive Order DE-14-005-07 | Engine Family List | Label
NETT Technologies
CARB has verified NETT Technologies Incorporated NETT GreenTRAPTM diesel particulate filter (DPF) System as a Level 3 Plus device for Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4i with a rated horse power between 50 and 75 or over 750, or Tier 4 Alt 20% NOx and PM certified off-road engines used in stationary prime and emergency standby generators and pumps. The NETT Technologies NETT GreenTRAPTM DPF System reduces diesel particulate matter by 85 percent or greater and does not increase nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions beyond the 2009 limit of 20 percent of the baseline oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions. This verification is subject to the terms and conditions specified below and only for use with engines listed in the engine family list. Since there may be significant variations from application to application, NETT Technologies must review actual operating conditions (duty cycle, baseline emissions, exhaust temperature profiles, and engine backpressure) prior to retrofitting an engine with a NETT GreenTRAPTM DPF System to ensure compatibility.
Engines must meet the following operating criteria
Parameter | Value |
Application | Stationary Prime and Emergency Standby Power Generation and Stationary Prime and Emergency Standby Pumping |
Engine Type | Diesel, with or without turbocharger, without Exhaust-Gas Recirculation (EGR), mechanically or electronically controlled, certified off-road engines meeting 0.2 g/bhp-hr diesel PM or less based on certification or in-use emission testing. |
Minimum Exhaust Temperature for Filter Regeneration | The engine must operate at the load level required to achieve 400 degrees Celsius (°C) for a minimum of 30 minutes. Operation at lower temperatures is allowed, but only for a limited duration, as specified below. |
Maximum Consecutive Minutes Operating Below Passive Regeneration Temperature | 300 Minutes |
Number of Cold Start and 30 Minute Idle Sessions before Regeneration Required | 10 |
Number of Hours of Operation Before Cleaning of Filter Required | 2,000 when using diesel with <15 ppm sulfur. |
Fuel | California diesel fuel with less than or equal to 15 ppm sulfur or a biodiesel blend provided that the biodiesel portion of the blend complies with ASTM International D6751 (15 ppm sulfur), the diesel portion of the blend complies with CCR, title 13, sections 2281 and 2282 and the blend contains no more than 20 percent biodiesel by volume. |
PM Verification Level | Level 3 Plus Verification:
- May 12, 2020: Executive Order DE-09-013-03 | Engine Family List | Label
Nett Technologies
CARB has verified the Nett Technologies BlueMAXTM NOVA 300e System as a Level 3 (reduces emissions of diesel particulate matter (PM) by 85 percent or greater) Mark 5 (reduces emissions of diesel nitrogen oxides (NOx) by 85 percent or greater) diesel emission control device for use on diesel engines used in a stationary application associated with prime generators. CARB has designated the stationary diesel engine verification of the BlueMAXTM NOVA 300e as a Plus system that complies with CARB’s January 1, 2009, nitrogen dioxide (NO2) limit. The BlueMAXTM NOVA 300e is verified for diesel engines greater than or equal to 75 horsepower (hp) and certified to Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, or Tier 4 Alt 20% NOx and PM emission standards. The BlueMAXTM NOVA 300e also is verified for diesel engines certified to Tier 4i NOx and PM emission standards with a rated hp over 750. All engines must emit PM at a rate of 0.2 g/bhp-hr or less and be subject to the terms and conditions specified below and in the engine family list. For complete information, please view the verification letter and engine family list below.
Engines must meet the following operating criteria
Parameter | Value |
Application | Stationary Prime Power Generation |
Size Range | Diesel engines rated greater than or equal to 75 hp |
Engine Type | Diesel; with or without turbocharger; without EGR; mechanically or electronically controlled; nonroad or stationary diesel engine certified to 0.2 g/bhp-hr or less of PM;
Minimum Exhaust Temperature for Filter Regeneration | N/A. Active regeneration |
Maximum Consecutive Minutes Operating Below Passive Regeneration Temperature | N/A |
Number of Cold Start and 40 Minute Idle Sessions before Regeneration Required | N/A |
Number of Hours of Operation Before Cleaning of Filter Required | Application Specific. 2000 Hours Typical. |
Fuel | California diesel fuel with less than or equal to 15 ppm sulfur or a biodiesel blend provided that the biodiesel portion of the blend complies with ASTM D6751, the diesel portion of the blend complies with Title 13 (CCR), sections 2281 and 2282, and the blend contains no more than 20 percent biodiesel by volume |
PM Verification Level | Level 3 Plus, Mark 5 Verification:
- May 18, 2022: Executive Order DE-14-004-04 | Engine Family List | Label
CARB has verified the Rypos, Inc. HDPF/CTM hybrid diesel particulate filter as a Level 3 Plus diesel emission control device for stationary emergency standby generator and pump applications with a PM emission rate of 0.2 g/bhp-hr or less when used on diesel engines certified to Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3, subject to the terms and conditions specified below with engines listed in the engine family list below. Level 3 Plus verifications means that the system will reduce diesel PM emissions by 85 percent or more and meets the January 2009 NO2 limit. For complete information, please view the verification letter, Executive Order, and engine family list below.
Engines must meet the following operating criteria
Parameter | Value |
Applications | Stationary Emergency Standby Generators or Pumps |
Engine Type | Diesel-fueled, with or without turbocharger, certified off-road engine with PM emission levels < 0.2 g/bhp-hr, without Exhaust-Gas Recirculation (EGR). |
Engine Models | 1996 or newer and listed in the Attachment to the Executive Order |
Engine Horsepower | > 50 hp |
Fuel | California diesel fuel with less than or equal to 15 ppm sulfur or a biodiesel blend provided that the biodiesel portion of the blend complies with ASTM D6751, the diesel portion of the blend complies with title 13, CCR, sections 2281 and 2282, and the blend contains no more than 20 percent biodiesel by volume. |
Minimum Exhaust Temperature for Filter Regeneration | Not Applicable (NA). Active DPF. |
Maximum consecutive minutes at idle | NA. Active DPF. |
Number of Cold Start and 30 Minute Idle Sessions before Regeneration Required | NA. Active DPF. |
Number of Hours of Operation before Cleaning of Filter Required | Inspect every 1,000 hours and clean if needed. Active DPF. |
Additional Terms and Conditions | See the Executive Order. |
Approval Date | August 19, 2011 |
Regeneration System | Active |
PM Verification Level | Level 3 Plus:
- December 04, 2023: Executive Order DE-07-001-09 | Engine Family List | Label
Safety Power Inc.
CARB has verified the Safety Power Inc. FOx® System diesel particulate filter as a Level 3 Plus device for Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4i nonroad or stationary diesel engines used in stationary prime and emergency standby power generators and pumps. The Safety Power Inc. FOx® System reduces diesel particulate matter by 85 percent or greater and does not increase nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions beyond the 2009 limit of 20 percent of the baseline oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions. This verification is subject to the terms and conditions specified below and only for use with engines listed in the engine family list. Since there may be significant variations from application to application, Safety Power Inc. must review actual operating conditions (duty cycle, baseline emissions, exhaust gas temperature profiles, and engine backpressure) prior to retrofitting an engine with a Safety Power Inc. FOx® System to ensure compatibility.
Engines must meet the following operating criteria
Parameter | Value |
Application | Stationary Prime and Emergency Standby Power Generators and Pumps. |
Engine Type | Diesel, with or without turbocharger, without Exhaust-Gas Recirculation (EGR), mechanically or electronically controlled, certified off-road engines meeting 0.2 g/bhp-hr diesel PM or less based on certification or in-use emissions testing. |
Minimum Exhaust Temperature for Filter Regeneration | The engine must operate at the load level required to achieve 400 degrees Celsius (°C) for a minimum of 30 minutes. Operation at lower temperatures is allowed, but only for a limited duration, as specified below. |
Maximum Consecutive Minutes Operating Below Passive Regeneration Temperature | 300 Minutes |
Number of Cold Start and 30 Minute Idle Sessions before Regeneration Required | 10 |
Number of Hours of Operation Before Cleaning of Filter Required | 2,000 when using diesel with <15 ppm sulfur. |
Fuel | California diesel fuel with less than or equal to 15 ppm sulfur or a biodiesel blend provided that the biodiesel portion of the blend complies with ASTM D6751, the diesel portion of the blend complies with Title 13 (CCR), sections 2281 and 2282 and the blend contains no more than 20 percent biodiesel by volume. |
PM Verification Level | Level 3 Plus Verification: At least 85% reduction of PM and meets January 2009 NO2 limit. |
- April 25, 2018: Executive Order DE-18-001 | Engine Family List
Universal Emissions Technologies
CARB has verified the Universal Emissions Technologies GreenShield® diesel particulate filter as a Level 3 Plus device for Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 certified off-road engines used in stationary prime and emergency standby power generators and pumps. The Universal Emissions Technologies GreenShield® reduces diesel particulate matter by 85 percent or greater and does not increase nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions beyond the 2009 limit of 20 percent of the baseline oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions. This verification is subject to the terms and conditions specified below and only for use with engines listed in the engine family list. Since there may be significant variations from application to application, Universal Emissions Technologies must review actual operating conditions (duty cycle, baseline emissions, exhaust gas temperature profiles, and engine backpressure) prior to retrofitting an engine with a Universal Emissions Technologies GreenShield® to ensure compatibility.
Engines must meet the following operating criteria:
Parameter | Value |
Application | Stationary Prime and Emergency Standby Power Generation and Stationary Prime and Emergency Standby Pumping |
Engine Type | Diesel, with or without turbocharger, without Exhaust-Gas Recirculation (EGR), mechanically or electronically controlled, certified off-road engines meeting 0.2 g/bhp-hr diesel PM or less based on certification or in-use emission testing. |
Minimum Exhaust Temperature for Filter Regeneration | The engine must operate at the load level required to achieve 400 degrees Celsius (°C) for a minimum of 30 minutes. Operation at lower temperatures is allowed, but only for a limited duration, as specified below. |
Maximum Consecutive Minutes Operating Below Passive Regeneration Temperature | 300 Minutes |
Number of Cold Start and 30 Minute Idle Sessions before Regeneration Required | 10 |
Number of Hours of Operation Before Cleaning of Filter Required | 2,000 when using diesel with <15 ppm sulfur. |
Fuel | California diesel fuel with less than or equal to 15 ppm sulfur or a biodiesel blend provided that the biodiesel portion of the blend complies with ASTM International D6751 (15 ppm sulfur), the diesel portion of the blend complies with CCR, title 13, sections 2281 and 2282 and the blend contains no more than 20 percent biodiesel by volume. |
PM Verification Level | Level 3 Plus Verification:
- December 3, 2009: Executive Order DE-09-016 | Engine Family List | Verification Letter | Label
Level 2 - 50 Percent or Greater Reduction in Particulate Matter:
CARB has verified Rypos, Inc. Active Diesel Particulate Filter (ADPF) diesel particulate filter for 1996 to 2008 diesel engines certified to Tier 1, 2, or 3 PM emission rate used in stationary emergency standby applications. On December 18, 2008, CARB verified that this system complies with the January 1, 2009 NO2 limit; the system is therefore verified as a Level 2 Plus diesel emission control device. For complete information please view the Executive Order and Engine Family List below.
Engines must meet the following operating criteria
Parameter | Value |
Application | Emergency Standby Stationary Power Generation |
Engine Type | Diesel, with or without turbocharger, certified off-road engines meeting 0.4 g/bhp-hr or less based on certification or in-use emissions testing |
Minimum Exhaust Temperature for Filter Regeneration | NA. Active System |
Maximum Consecutive Minutes at Idle | NA. Active system. |
Number of Cold Start and 30 Minute Idle Sessions Before Regeneration Required | NA. Active system. |
Number of Hours of Operation Before Cleaning of Filter Required | NA. Active system with a flow through mesh filter. Should not require cleaning. |
Fuel | California diesel fuel with less than or equal to 15 ppm sulfur or a biodiesel blend provided that the biodiesel portion of the blend complies with ASTM D6751, the diesel portion of the blend complies with Title 13 (CCR), sections 2281 and 2282 and the blend contains no more than 20 percent biodiesel by volume. |
Verification Level | Level 2 Plus Verification: At least 50% reduction of PM and meets January 2009 NO2 limit. |
- December 18, 2008: Executive Order DE-05-013-01 | Engine Family List | Verification Letter