AB 794 Incentive Program Complaints
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is responsible for ensuring that all fleet purchasers, lessors, and lessees comply with the requirements of AB 794 and AB 2737. If you would like to submit a complaint to CARB regarding an unsatisfied judgment, false attestation, control of vehicle user/driver, change in vehicle ownership, or other, please submit it below.
If you need assistance to determine which complaint type to select on the complaint form, please click here for a description of the complaint types.
Note that labor laws are enforced by the California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR). Please submit new labor law violations with DIR at Labor Law Violation Report.
AB 794 Incentive Program Complaints
If you have knowledge of a fleet purchaser, lessor, or lessee that is not in compliance with the requirements of AB 794, please file it here.