Community Air Protection Program - Pesticide Information
The Department of Pesticide Regulation's (DPR) mission is to protect human health and the environment by regulating pesticide sales and use, and by fostering reduced-risk pest management.
Community Pesticide Monitoring
This DPR website provides information and guidance to communities interested in monitoring for the presence of pesticides in ambient air.
Environmental Monitoring Programs and Projects
DPR's Environmental Monitoring Branch monitors the environment to determine the fate of pesticides, protecting the public and the environment from pesticide contamination through analyzing hazards and developing pollution prevention strategies.
Air Monitoring Network Seasonal Monitoring
In June 2016, the California legislature increased DPR’s funding to expand the current Air Monitoring Network. This allows DPR to increase the number of communities it monitors as part of the Air Monitoring Network from three to eight until June 30, 2018, and it provides funding to conduct six intensive seasonal monitoring studies in several high-use communities during the high-use season for fumigant or organophosphate pesticides.
Pesticide Regulation
This link is to the main homepage of the Department of Pesticide Regulation where you can find the latest news, information, and publications on the regulation of pesticide sales and use in California.