Land Use Resources
Smart growth land use strategies can reduce our dependence on cars, minimize energy consumption, and improve community air quality. Cities and counties can reduce exposure to air pollution in communities by requiring setbacks or buffers from major roadways and stationary sources, adopting green zone policies that establish more stringent development requirements, and changing zoning codes to prevent incompatible land uses.
The below resources are designed to support development of smart growth land use strategies by providing land use resources on planning basics, sustainable community policy, data and tools, and research. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list, but a helpful starting point for those interested in air quality and land use issues. This list will be refined and updated as new resources become available.
Some of the links below lead to non-CARB resources, but provide information that may be helpful to individuals interested in air quality and land use. CARB cannot attest to the accuracy of these sites, and linking to a non-CARB site does not constitute an endorsement by CARB or any of its staff.
Examples in Practice
Example | Source | Description |
City of Arvin Oil & Gas Setback Ordinance | City of Arvin, CA | Restricts new oil and gas wells from within 300 feet of residential and commercially zoned areas. |
Los Angeles Clean Up Green Up Ordinance | City of Los Angeles, CA | Establishes a supplemental use district within Boyle Heights, Pacoima/Sun Valley, and Wilmington to reduce cumulative health impacts resulting from incompatible land uses, establish a citywide Conditional Use for asphalt manufacturing and refinery facilities, and increase the notification requirement for projects within a surface mining district. |
National City Amortization | National City, CA | Establishes a “process to terminate a nonconforming use after a period of time that is sufficient to allow the owner of the property and/or business to recover their investment in the use/business.” |
San Francisco Clean Construction Ordinance | City and County of San Francisco, CA | Requires public projects to reduce emissions from construction sites in certain areas with high levels of background concentrations of air pollutants. |
Land Use Planning Basics
Resource | Source | Description |
Understanding the Basics of Land Use and Planning Series | Institute for Local Government | Webpage contains a series of resources designed to help California local officials in their efforts to plan and develop healthy communities that are socially, economically, environmentally and fiscally sustainable. |
General Plan Guidelines | Governor’s Office of Planning and Research | A general plan is the local government’s long-term blueprint for the community’s vision of future growth. The General Plan Guidelines document serves as the “how to” resource for drafting a general plan. |
Land Use Resources | Governor’s Office of Planning and Research | Office of Planning Research’s land use resources portal. |
Policy Resources
Resource | Source | Description |
Healthy Communities Policy Guide | American Planning Association | American Planning Association's Healthy Communities Policy Guide. It identifies policy ideas for local, state, and federally elected officials aimed at improving community health and quality of living through planning. |
Planning Healthy Places: A Guidebook for Addressing Local Sources of Air Pollutants in Community Planning | Bay Area Air Quality Management District | This guidebook provides air quality and public health information, assists local governments in addressing and minimizing potential air quality issues. It provides tools and recommended best practices that can be implemented to reduce exposure and emissions from local sources of air pollutants. |
Healthy Communities, Land Use, and Planning | Institute for Local Government | Information on all of the Institute for Local Government's initiatives and resources regarding sustainable and healthy community design. |
Creating Equitable, Healthy, and Sustainable Communities | U.S. EPA | This publication builds on past successes and offers other low-income, minority, tribal, and overburdened communities approaches to shape development that responds to their needs and reflects their values. It identifies strategies that bring together smart growth, environmental justice, and equitable development principles. |
Sustainable Communities | California Air Resources Board | Sustainable community development allows residents to rely less on individual cars and provides greater opportunities for walking, biking and access to clean transit options. Coordinating land use and transportation planning can reduce air pollution, crating healthier communities. |
Leading the Way: Policies and Practices for Sustainable Community Strategies | ClimatePlan | ClimatePlan's white paper on policies and practices for sustainable community strategies. |
Land Use: Better Regional Planning | ClimatePlan | California adopted its climate law, AB 32, in 2007. In response, eleven land use, transportation, and planning non-profit groups came together as ClimatePlan. This resource link to ClimatePlan's land-use related projects. |
Smart Growth Network | Smart Growth Network | The Smart Growth Network is a partnership of government, business, and civic organizations that support smart growth. The network has become a clearinghouse for information about smart growth strategies. |
Guidance Document for Addressing Air Quality Issues in General Plans and Local Planning | South Coast Air Quality Management District | Chapter two of the guidance document examines air quality related land use issues. |
Model Policies for Greenhouse Gases in General Plans | California Air Pollution Control Officers Association | This report contains model policies for greenhouse gas reductions that can be incorporated into a General Plan, including discussions on land use and urban design, transportation, energy efficiency, conservation of open space and education. |
Jurupa Area Plan Environmental Justice Element | City of Jurupa Valley | This element addresses environmental justice through policies aimed at increasing the influence of target populations in the public decision-making process and reducing their exposure to environmental hazards. |
Urban Land Institute Resource Library | Urban Land Institute | Searchable database containing all of the Urban Land Institute's published work on best practices for land use and transportation policy |
Data and Tools
Tool/Dataset | Source | Description |
Air Quality and Land Use Handbook | California Air Resources Board | General reference guide for evaluating and reducing air pollution impacts associated with new projects that go through the land use decision-making process. |
Planning, Zoning, and Environmental Review Tools | Institute for Local Government | Institute for Local Government's webpage for planning, zoning, and environmental review tools. |
Land Use / Transportation Data & Tools | California Department of Transportation | Caltrans' Office of Smart Mobility and Climate Change's studies and related efforts regarding housing, land use and transportation coordination, smart growth (including transit-oriented development and urban/suburban infill land uses), and the development of models and tools for assessing such strategies. |
Transportation Demand Management Tool and Smart Growth | Bay Area Air Quality Management District | An excel-based tool that calculates the impacts of project-level transportation demand measures on vehicle miles traveled and describes the Air District’s smart growth planning efforts to reduce vehicle dependence, enhance local communities, and support regional smart growth initiatives. |
Complete Communities Toolbox | University of Delaware | The Complete Communities Toolbox provides several best practices for public engagement activities, land use code elements, and complete street guidelines. |
Metrics for Planning Healthy Communities | American Planning Association | A set of healthy planning metrics that can be used to assess, measure, monitor, and report progress toward healthy planning goals. The tool leverages existing indicator systems, indexes, interactive maps, and literature about social determinants of health. |
Plan4Health: Health in All Planning Policies Toolkit | American Planning Association | Toolkit containing reports, webinars, toolkits, community examples, videos, podcasts, and more about health in all planning. It can be read cover to cover or looked at in pieces—each page can be a stand-alone document, to be used to inform and educate about active living strategies. |
Resource | Source | Description |
The Urban Displacement Project | UC Berkeley | The Urban Displacement Project (UDP) is a research and action initiative of UC Berkeley. UDP conducts community-centered, data-driven, applied research toward more equitable and inclusive futures for cities. The research aims to understand and describe the nature of gentrification and displacement, and also to generate knowledge on how policy interventions and investment can respond and support more equitable development. |
Urban Land Use and Transportation Center | UC Davis | The Urban Land Use and Transportation Center (ULTRANS) aims to support the design and implementation of new land use and vehicle demand policies through research, education, and public outreach. |
Research on Land Use and Transportation Planning | California Air Resources Board | California passed Senate Bill 375 requiring metropolitan planning organizations (MPO) to develop Sustainable Communities Strategies to illustrate how integrated land use, transportation, and housing planning will achieve regional greenhouse gas targets. The research projects listed offer insight and solutions for MPOs, local governments, and consumers. |