green trees line both banks of the sacramento river. the yellow tower bridge crosses the blue water leading to the tall buildings of the sacrament skyline. the scene is set against a clear blue sky.


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Evergreen Marine Corp. Ltd. Settlement

Evergreen Marine Corp. Ltd. Settles For $26,000

In March 2024, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) reached a settlement with Evergreen Marine Corp. Ltd. (EMC), with its principal location in Taiwan, for the company’s violation of the Fuel Sulfur and Other Operational Requirements for Ocean-Going Vessels Within California Waters and 24 Nautical Miles of the California Baseline (Ocean-Going Vessel Fuel Regulation), as codified in the California Code of Regulations, title 13, section 2299.2, and title 17, section 93118.2.

Following routine inspections and investigations conducted by EMC and CARB staff, it was revealed that two EMC vessels, Ever Libra and Ever Legend, failed to operate on compliant fuel upon entry into Regulated California Waters in 2023. CARB alleged four days of violations for a penalty of $26,000, under Health and Safety Code section 39674. EMC took prompt action after being notified of these violations and, under CARB’s supervision, began operating in compliance.

To settle the case, EMC agreed to the total penalty amount for the violation. This amount will be deposited into CARB’s Air Pollution Control Fund, which provides funding for projects and research to improve California's air quality. EMC agreed to comply with CARB regulations going forward.

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Community-Focused Event: An Introduction to Transport Refrigeration Units and California Air Resources Board’s Regulation Process – Interactive and Informative Session
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End Date

Rulemaking Documents

Below you will find links to the rulemaking documents for the In-Use Off-Road Diesel-Fueled Fleets Regulation corresponding to the appropriate year changes were adopted.

November 2022
Phase out of the oldest and highest-emitting off-road engines from operation, restrict the addition of vehicles with Tier 3 and 4i engines, require contracting entities to obtain and retain a fleet's valid Certificate of Reported Compliance prior to awarding a contract or hiring a fleet, mandate the use of R99 or R100 Renewable Diesel for all fleets, provide voluntary compliance flexibility options for fleets that adopt zero-emission technology, and include additional requirements to increase enforceability, provide clarity, and provide additional flexibility for permanent low-use vehicles. 
December 2010 AmendmentsDelayed the initial compliance date for all fleets by four years, provided a path to compliance without any required retrofits, and simplify the regulation.
July 2009 AmendmentsAmendments were approved to provide additional incentives to spur early actions by fleets to reduce emissions, and to make several minor clarifications to the regulation.
January 2009 AmendmentsExtended the deadline for receiving double credits for early installation of particulate matter retrofits, modify the changing-fleet-size requirements, clarify all sellers of off-road vehicles must maintain records of the disclosure of applicability.
Original RegulationRegulation adopted to reduce emission of diesel particulate matter and oxides of nitrogen from in-use off-road diesel vehicles operating in California.

Opportunities to Address Past Inequity to Build Healthier, More Sustainable Communities

Principal Investigator/Authors: Charisma Acey, Margaretta Lin                 

Contractors: University of California, Berkeley

Sub-contractors: Just Cities and West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project

Contract number: 21RD009

Project Status: Active

Relevant CARB programs: Sustainable Communities & Climate Protection ProgramResearch Planning

Topic areas: Sustainable Communities, Research & Sustainable CommunitiesSustainable Community Strategies (SCS)Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Reduction & Climate GoalsLand Use & Transportation Research


Research Summary:

This project will examine public investment policies and systemic precedents that contribute to the inequitable distribution of resources and resulting disparities across California communities. The project will identify opportunities and potential resources to address these inequities in public infrastructure investment policies and practices in the housing, land use, and transportation sectors. The project findings and resulting report, will identify and prioritize equitable policies that also contribute to reductions in vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and preserve, protect, and allow to produce more affordable housing across the state. In addition to offering opportunities to identify how existing and new public investments can be utilized to yield economic, environmental, and social returns to support healthy and more sustainable community development.

The project will develop an online policy mapping tool with multiple resources to support local decision-makers and advocates in preventing current and future harm for people of color and other vulnerable populations as well as reduction in VMT and GHG emissions. The mapping tool will share a research action model to help users identify local conditions and impact (environmental, health, housing, transportation) to understand their connection to inequitable policies and practices in their selected regions. In addition, the tool will include six unique case studies cataloguing history of policies and impacts (drivers of pollution and inequity), existing solutions, and visionary solutions proposed by communities. Moreover, the mapping tool will feature a database of equitable and inequitable investment policies, practices, and strategies across California that have prevented or created harm in distinct geographies. All tools will be developed through a transformative planning process alongside an Environmental Justice Advisory Council.


Keywords: sustainable community strategies (SCS); transportation and land use; equitable climate policy; evaluation methods

Case Settlement
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LCTI: Our Community, Our Shuttle

Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP) Implementation Grant

San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) | Our Community, Our Shuttle: Bayview-Hunters Point Equitable Mobility 

SFMTA logo

June 2022 – March 2026

Project Details

Our Community, Our Shuttle includes a zero-emission, on-demand, and dynamic shuttle service in the Bayview Hunters Point neighborhood. SFMTA will augment this new shuttle service, working with partners to: install a series of pedestrian and transit safety and accessibility improvements identified through the Bayview Community-based Transportation Plan, recruit and train shuttle drivers from within the community in coordination with the CityDrive workforce program, and run a transportation resource center to answer transportation-related questions and connect residents with transportation services and subsidies. All project elements will include extensive outreach and public engagement, including oversight from a Community Congress.

A map of Bayview Hunters Point neighborhood within San Francisco. The solid line represents the project area.
Project Area Map, Bayview Hunters Point neighborhood of San Francisco

Funding Details

Grant Amount: $10,569,100

Resource Contributions: $3,477,200

Project Total: $14,046,300

By the Numbers

Services, Vehicles & Equipment Funded

  • 6 zero-emission shuttles
  • About 50 community engagement events planned
  • 5.6 miles of bike lane/sidewalks
  • Up to 9 pedestrian bulb-out projects
  • 2 quick-build active transportation projects
  • Shuttle driver trainings completed for 20-30 participants annually
  • 0.6 full-time equivalent Transportation Liaison at the Transportation Resource Center
  • 6 Transportation Resource Center Youth Champions supporting the Transportation Resource Center
  • 10 Community Congress meetings, convening 15 community delegates

Estimated Quantifiable Benefits

  • GHG emission reductions: 473 MTCO2e
  • NOx reductions: 143 lbs
  • PM2.5 reductions: 31 lbs
  • ROG reductions: 36 lbs
  • Passenger VMT reductions: 1,759,709 miles
  • Travel cost savings: $800,668
  • Transportation fossil fuel reductions:​ 35,450 gallons
  • Direct Jobs: 127
  • Indirect Jobs: 24
  • Induced Jobs: 40

    Community event participants and project team  Bike event ride

    Bike community event     Community event for mobility planning

    Community Details

    The project focuses on the Bayview-Hunters Point neighborhood of San Francisco. Bayview-Hunters Point is a resilient and culturally rich community in the southeast of San Francisco with a long history of successful environmental justice advocacy. One of the historical centers of the City’s African American community, Bayview is now a majority Asian, African American, and Hispanic/Latinx community with a high percentage of limited English speakers. Almost half of residents live below 200% of the federal poverty level, with a high concentration of very low-income households in redeveloped public housing, or HOPESF sites, that are in geographically isolated areas and have limited access to the city’s Muni transportation system. 21% of residents do not own a car, with the highest concentrations of car-free households in HOPESF housing. 3.4 miles of streets in the STEP Community are designated on the City's High Injury Network; almost all of these high-injury streets are located on major transit corridors with critical community destinations or in close proximity to HOPESF affordable housing sites.

    Demographics of Community Served by Project

    36% Asian, 26% Black or African American, 24% Hispanic/Latino, 9% White, Other 8%
    Median Household Income: $56,724

    Community Benefits

    This project intends to co-create services that directly address mobility gaps for Bayview-Hunters Point residents, paving the way for an equitable transportation network. The project will take a people-first approach that is restorative and embedded within community context and culture, intended to:

    • Increase mobility and choice for those most vulnerable to transportation challenges
    • Generate holistic environmental and socio-economic benefits through the provision of sustainable and accessible zero-emissions transportation alternatives, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and greater access to critical community-serving destinations
    • Seek to repair harm, incorporate restorative measures, and utilize lessons from the past to design a better future
    • Deliver culturally relevant solutions that are embedded within community context 
    • Center community decision-making and ownership of data
    • Ensure investment and accountability from local leadership that parallels community contributions

      Outreach & Engagement Strategies

      • Surveys
      • Pop-up events
      • Focus groups
      • Project demonstrations
      • Community meetings
      • Work groups
      • Flyers and brochures 

      Target Populations

      • Youth
      • Seniors
      • Residents with a disability
      • Residents with limited English proficiency
      • Residents in affordable housing

      Partnership Structure


      The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) is a department of the City and County of San Francisco responsible for the management of all ground transportation in the city. The SFMTA has oversight over the Municipal Railway (Muni) public transit, as well as bicycling, paratransit, parking, traffic, walking, and taxis, creating transportation options that are constant, practical and everywhere and connecting people with their community to enhance the economy, environment and quality of life.


      Community Partners


      Robert Lim | (415) 646-2403 | SFMTA

      Case Settlement
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      Public Comment on Application for Variance from the Prohibitions on Use of Certain Hydrofluorocarbons in Stationary Refrigeration, Stationary Air-Conditioning, and Other End-Uses (Cal. Code of Regs., tit. 17, § 95371 et seq.)

      Variance Applicant: LG Electronics Inc. (LG)

      The California Air Resources Board (CARB) invites interested parties to submit comments on LG's application for a variance. All comments will be publicly accessible via this docket to support an inclusive and transparent process.

      LG submitted an application, pursuant to section 95378 of the HFC Regulation, for a variance from the requirements of section 95374(c). Specifically, section 95374(c) prohibits the use of HFCs with a GWP of 750 or greater in new residential dehumidifiers. LG is requesting an impossibility variance to continue the use of R-410A until June 2024.

      A copy of the variance application is available on CARB’s website at []. Please contact the HFC team if you have any questions or concerns:

      Comment Section
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      New Vehicle and Engine Certification: Executive Orders for CY2018 OFCI Implementation Flexibility Engines

      The New Vehicle and Engine Certification Program is responsible for the certification of new engines, vehicles, powertrains, aerodynamic devices and other new certifications.  Vehicles and engines may be sold and otherwise produced in California only if approved by Executive Order (EO) after review by CARB.  Executive Orders are issued for on-road and off-road categories.

      Scanned copies of issued Executive Orders may be requested via email.

      The following Executive Orders granted to the listed manufacturers of implementation flexibility engine families have been issued during the 2018 calendar year, as of December 16, 2023.

      Further information is available in the Executive Orders Summary.

      For questions, please contact Heavy-Duty Certification or Help Line at 1-800-242-4450.


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      DEUTZ AG

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      FCA ITALY S.P.A.

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      YANMAR CO., LTD.

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      Case Settlement
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